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Gail Mosey

Photo of Gail Mosey

On staff since December 2003
Phone number: (303) 384-7356

Analysis expertise

  • EERE market and policy analysis
  • Knowledge of research methodology used to gather and compile primary and secondary data; survey design
  • Work with large data sets including creating, managing and utilizing databases (Access)
  • Statistical data analysis (Excel and SPSS)

Primary research interests

  • Program and technology benefits impact estimation and analysis
  • Identification of sites for EERE use in remediation, monitoring and revitalization
  • Environmental analysis

Education and background training

  • M.S. in economics, 1993, Colorado School of Mines
  • B.S. in business administration, 1989, University of Colorado

Prior work experience

  • Senior research analyst (focusing on energy-related projects), Insight Management (2003)
  • Senior market research analyst, KN Energy (1997-1998)

Selected Publications

Some of the following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader

Belzer, D., Mosey, G., Plympton, P., Dagher, L. (2007). Home Performance with ENERGY STAR: Utility Bill Analysis on Homes Participating in Austin Energy's Program. 37 pp., NREL Report No. TP-640-41903. (PDF 481 KB)

Evans, M., Little, R., Lloyd, K., Malikov, G., Passolt, G., Arent, D., Swezey, B., Mosey, G. (2007). Advanced Modeling of Renewable Energy Market Dynamics: May 2006. 124 pp., NREL Report No. TP-640-41896. (PDF 2.2 MB)

Mosey, G. (2006). Renewable Energy Potential for Brownfield Redevelopment Strategies (Poster). 1 p., NREL Report No. PO-640-40844. (PDF 1.4 MB)

Arent, D., Benioff, R., Mosey, G., Bird, L., Brown, J., Brown, E., Vimmerstedt, L., Aabakken, J., Parks, K., Lapsa, M., Davis, S., Olszewski, M., Cox, D., McElhaney, K., Hadley, S., Hostick, D., Nicholls, A., McDonald, S., Holloman, B. (2006). Energy Sector Market Analysis. 51 pp., NREL Report No. TP-620-40541. (PDF 949 KB)

Brown, E., Mosey, G. (2006). Best Practices in Determining the Impacts of Municipal Programs on Energy Use, Air Quality, and Other Ancillary Costs and Benefits (Poster). 1 p., NREL Report No. PO-640-40672. (PDF 442 KB)

Full list of Gail Mosey publications (NREL)


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