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References for Notable Earthquakes

A. P.K. Dunbar, P.A. Lockridge and L.S. Whiteside, Catalog of Significant Earthquakes, 2150 B.C. - 1991 A.D. Including Quantitative Casualties and Damage, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center Report SE-49, Boulder, Colorado, 1992. [Sources 1-236 are numbered as given in Report SE-49. If the number alone is given, it indicates the original source was consulted. If the reference is given with "A" (as in A-51), it means the information was taken from the summary in Report SE-49, not the from the original source.]

2. C. Lomnitz, Development in Geotectonics #5, Global Tectonics and Earthquake Risk, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1974.

3. M. Bath, Introduction to Seismology, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, 1973; English version by Halstead Press, 1978.

4. V. Karnik, Seismicity of the European Area, Part 1, D. Riedel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1969.

6. C.F. Richter, Elementary Seismology, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, California, 1958.

8. United States Earthquakes (USEQ), published by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (CGS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., since 1928. Information was used from the following issues:
8d. F. Neumann, USEQ 1931, CGS, 1932.
8f. F. Newmann, USEQ 1933, CGS, 1935.
8m. R.R. Bodle, USEQ 1942, CGS, 1944.
8o. R.R. Bodle, USEQ 1944, CGS, 1946.
8p. R.R. Bodle and L.M. Murphy, USEQ 1945, CGS, 1947.
8q. R.R. Bodle and L.M. Murphy, USEQ 1946, CGS, 1948.
8s. L.M. Murphy and F.P. Ulrich, USEQ 1948, CGS, 1951.
8v. L.M. Murphy and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1951, CGS, 1953.
8x. L.M. Murphy and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1953, CGS, 1955.
8ae. H.C. Talley, Jr. and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1960, CGS, 1962.
8ag. J.F. Lander and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1962, CGS, 1964.
8ah. C.A. von Hake and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1963, CGS, 1965.
8ak. C.A. von Hake and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1966, CGS, 1968.
8al. C.A. von Hake and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1967, CGS, 1969.
8am. J.L. Coffman and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1968, CGS, 1970.
8an. C.A. von Hake and W.K. Cloud, USEQ 1969, NOAA, 1971.
8ao. J.L. Coffman and C.A. von Hake, USEQ 1970, NOAA, 1972.

40. J.P. Rothe, the Seismicity of the Earth 1953-1965, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France, 1969.

47. Comite del Ano Geofisico Internacional del Ecuador, Breve Historia de los Principales Teremotos en la Republica del Ecuador, Observatorio Astronomico de Quito, Quito, Ecuador, 1959.

51. Munchener Ruckversicherungs-Gesellschaft, World Map of Natural Hazards, Munich, Germany, 1978.

71. K. Ergin, U. Guclu and Z. Uz, A Catalog of Earthquakes for Turkey and Surrounding Area (11 A.D. to 1964 A.D.), Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Mining Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 1967.

75. F. Giorgetti and E. Iaccarino, Italian Earthquake Catalogue from the Beginning of the Christian Age up to 1968, Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale, Trieste, Italy, 1971.

92. K. Abe, Magnitude of Large Shallow Earthquakes from 1904 to 1980, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 1981, 27, p. 72-92.

104. K. Abe and S. Noguchi, Determination of Magnitude for Large Shallow Earthquakes 1898-1917, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 1983, 32, p. 45-59.

133. F. Press and R. Siever, Earth, Second Edition, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, California, 1978.

138. N.N. Ambraseys, Middle East--A Reappraisal of Seismicity, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. II, 1978, p. 19-32.

144. Seismological Society of America, Seismological Notes, generally published in each Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (a bi-monthly publication).

145. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, EDIS, Major Earthquake Listing, 1977 (unpublished).

152. Japan Meteorological Agency, Catalogue of Major Earthquakes which Occurred in and Near Japan 1926-1956, Tokyo, Japan, 1958.

157. C. Lomnitz, Major Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Chile During the Period 1575 to 1955. Geologische Rundschau Bd. 59, Heft 3, 1970, p. 938-960.

183. Committee of Structural Steel Producers of American Iron and Steel Institute, The Agadir, Morocco Earthquake, February 29, 1960, American Iron and Steel Institute, New York, New York, 1962.

185. P. Nutalaya, S. Sodsri and E.P. Arnold, SEASEE Series on Seismology, Vol II - Thailand, Southeast Asia Association of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering and U.S. Geological Survey, 1985.

188. Soetardjo, M. Untang, E.P. Arnold, R. Soetadi, S. Ismail and E.K. Kertapati, SEASEE Series on Seismology, Vol. V - Indonesia, Southeast Asia Association of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering and U.S. Geological Survey, 1985.

191. M. Berberian, Contribution to the Seismotectonics of Iran (Part II), Geological Survey of Iran, Report No. 39, Tehran, Iran, 1976.

192. M. Berberian, Contribution to the Seismotectonics of Iran (Part III), Geological Survey of Iran, Report No. 40, Tehran, Iran, 1977.

203. B.L. Askew and S.T. Algermissen, eds. and J.C. Castano, national coordinator, Catalog of Earthquakes for South America, Volume 2, Hypocenter and Intensity Data, Argentina, Centro Regional de Sismologia para America del Sur, Lima, Peru, 1985.

206. B.L. Askew and S.T. Algermissen, eds. and E. Kausel V., national coordinator, Catalog of Earthquakes for South America, Volume 5, Hypocenter and Intensity Data, Chile, Centro Regional de Sismologia para America del Sur, Lima, Peru, 1985.

207. B.L. Askew and S.T. Algermissen, eds. and E. Proano N., national coordinator, Catalog of Earthquakes for South America, Volume 6, Hypocenter and Intensity Data, Ecuador, Centro Regional de Sismologia para America del Sur, Lima, Peru, 1985.

208. B.L. Askew and S.T. Algermissen, eds. and H. Montes U., national coordinator, Catalog of Earthquakes for South America, Volumes 7A-C, Hypocenter and Intensity Data, Peru, Centro Regional de Sismologia para America del Sur, Lima, Peru, 1985.

215. N.N. Ambraseys and C.F. Finkel, Seismicity of Turkey and neighbouring regions, 1899-1915, Annales Geophysicae, 1987, 5B (6), p. 701-726. [Incorrectly cited in A as Ambraseys and Adams].

228. International Seismological Summary (prior to 1918 the Bulletin of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Seismological Committee). Information was used from the following issues:
228d. Bulletin for 1917, University Observatory, Oxford, UK, 1921.
228g. Bulletin for 1920, University Observatory, Oxford, UK, 1924.
228v. Bulletin for 1935, University Observatory, Oxford, UK, 1943,1945.
228ae. Bulletin for 1944, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 1953-54.
228af. Bulletin for 1945, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 1954.
228ag. Bulletin for 1946, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 1954-55.
228ai. Bulletin for 1948, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 1956.
228aj. Bulletin for 1949, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 1956-57.
228ak. Bulletin for 1950, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 1958.
228an. Bulletin for 1953, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 1960-61.
228ar. Bulletin for 1957, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 1963-64.

233. N.V. Kondorskaya and N.V. Shebalin, eds., New Catalog of Strong Earthquakes in the U.S.S.R. from Ancient Times through 1977, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center Report SE-31, Boulder, Colorado, 1982. (Update and English translation of Noviy Katalog Sil'nykh Zemletryaseniy na Territoriy SSSR s Drevneyshikh Vremyen do 1975 g., USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1977.)

299. K. Abe and S. Noguchi, Revision of Magnitudes of Large Shallow Earthquakes, 1897-1912, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 1983, 33, p. 1-11.

299A. N.N. Ambraseys, The Buyin-Zara (Iran) Earthquake of September, 1962, A Field Report, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1963, 53, 4, p. 705-740.

299B. N.N. Ambraseys and J.S. Tchalenko, The Dasht-e Bayaz Earthquake of August 31, 1968: A Field Report, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1969, 59, 5, p. 1751-1792.

299C. N.N. Ambraseys and J.S. Tchalenko, Seismotectonic Aspects of the Gediz, Turkey, Earthquake of March 1970, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1972, 30, p. 229-252.

300. B.L. Askew and S.T. Algermissen, eds., Catalog of Earthquakes for South America, Volume 1, Description of the Catalog and National Reports, Centro Regional de Sismologia para America del Sur, Lima, Peru, 1985.

300A. Associated Press, Beijing Bureau, China says quake killed 10,000 in '70, printed in Richmond, VA Times-Dispatch, Nov. 19, 1988.

300B. K.C. Bayer, L.E. Heuckroth and R.A. Karim, An Investigation of the Dasht-e Bayaz, Iran Earthquake of August 31, 1968, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1969, 59, 5, p. 1793-1822.

300C. G.V. Berg, The Skopje, Yugoslavia Earthquake, July 26, 1963, American Iron and Steel Institute, New York, New York, 1964.

301. E. Boschi, E. Guidoboni, G. Ferrari, G. Valensise and P. Gasperini, Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes from 461 B.C. to 1990, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Rome and Storia Geofisica Ambiente, Bologna, Italy, on-line (in Italian with English headings and explanations) at URL,, 2000.

302. Bureau Central International de Seismologie, Bulletin Mensuel, Strasbourg, France (published monthly, 1953-?).

303. C. Cameron, The 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake and Fire, National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, on-line at URL,, 2000.

303A. L. Casertano, translated by O.W. Lombardi, General Characteristics of Active Andean Volcanoes and a Summary of Their Activities During Recent Centuries, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1963, 53, 6, p. 1415-1433.

304. Centro de Investigaciones Geotecnicas, Cronologia de sismos destructivos en El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, on-line at URL,, 2000

305. E. Christopherson, The Night the Mountain Fell, The Story of the Montana-Yellowstone Earthquake, Earthquake Press, Missoula, Montana, 1962.

305A. D.C. Cox and J.F. Mink, The Tsunami of 23 May 1960 in the Hawaiian Islands, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1963, 53, 6, p. 1191-1209.

306. J.E. Dewey, Seismicity of Northern Anatolia, Bulletin of the Seismo- logical Society of America, 1976, 66, 3, p. 843-868.

307. E.R. Engdahl and W.A. Rinehart, 1991, Seismicity Map of North America; in D.B. Slemmons, E.R. Engdahl and D. Blackwell (eds.), Neotectonics of North America, The Geological Society of America, CSMV-1, Boulder, Colorado, in press.

307A. E.R. Engdahl, A. Villasenor, Relocations of earthquakes from the ISS catalogue, unpublished data.

308. V. Garcia and G. Suarez, Los Sismos en la Historia de Mexico, Tomo I, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ediciones Cientificas Universitarias, Mexico, D.F., Mexico, 1996.

309. The Gleaner Company, Geography and History of Jamaica, Kingston, on-line at URL,, 2000.

310. G. Gu et al., eds, Catalogue of Chinese Earthquakes (1831 B.C. - 1969 A.D.), Science Press, Beijing, China, 1983 (in Chinese); English version translated by Z. Li et al., Science Press, Beijing, 1989.

310A. H. Gupta, H. Narain, B.K. Rastogi and I. Mohan, A Study of the Koyna Earthquake of December 10, 1967, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1969, 59, 3, p. 1149-1162.

311. The International Geographic Encyclopedia and Atlas, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1979.

311A. International Seismological Centre, Bulletin, monthly publication 1964-1994 and bi-monthly 1995-present, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (1964-Oct 1973) and Newbury, Berkshire, UK (Nov 1973-present).

312. H. Kanamori, Importance of Historical Seismograms for Geophysical Research, in W.H.K. Lee, H. Meyers and K. Shimazaki, Historical Seismograms and Earthquakes of the World, Academic Press, New York, 1988, p. 16-33.

313. H. Kawasumi, Seismology in Japan, 1939-1947, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1949, 39, 3, p. 157-167.

314. J.A. Kelleher, Rupture Zones of Large South American Earthquakes and Some Predictions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 1972, 77, 11, p. 2087-2103.

315. O. Klotz, Earthquake of February 18, 1911, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1915, 5, 4, p. 206-213.

315A. D. Kumar, Reservoir cause of Koyna quakes: Study, The Indian Express, 21 February 1998, on-line at URL,, 2000.

316. A. Kvale, Seismic Seiches in Norway and England During the Assam Earthquake of August 15, 1950, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1955, 45, 2, p. 93-113.

318. J.L. Lynch and R.R. Bodle, The Dominican Earthquakes of August, 1946, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1948, 38, 1, p. 1-17.

319. L.L. Lynch and J.B. Shepherd, An earthquake catalogue for the Caribbean Part II, the macroseismic listing for the instrumental period 1900-1991, presented at Caribbean and Latin American Seismic Hazard Project Workshop, Melbourne, Florida, May 1995.

321. S. Miyamura, Some Remarks on Historical Seismograms and the Microfilming Project, in W.H.K. Lee, H. Meyers and K. Shimazaki, Historical Seismograms and Earthquakes of the World, Academic Press, San Diego, California, 1988, p. 401-419.

322. T.S. Murty, Seismic Sea Waves - Tsunamis, Bulletin 198, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Fisheries and Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1977.

324. F. Press and R. Siever, Earth, Third Edition, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, California, 1982.

325. J.E. Ramirez, Historia de los Terremotos en Colombia (Segunda Edicion), Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi," Bogota, Colombia, 1975.

327. H.A. Sievers C., G. Villegas C. and G. Barros, translated by P. Saint- Amand, The Seismic Sea Wave of 22 May 1960 Along the Chilean Coast, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1963, 53, 6, p. 1125-1190.

328. E. Silgado F., The Ancash, Peru, Earthquake of November 10, 1946, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1951, 41, 2, p. 83-100.

330. D.D. Singh and H.K. Gupta, Source Dynamics of Two Great Earthquakes of the Indian Subcontinent: The Bihar-Nepal Earthquake of January 15, 1934 and the Quetta Earthquake of May 30, 1935, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1980, 70, 3, p. 757-773.

332. W.M. Small, A Short Description of the General Geology of the Dominican Republic, with Notes on the Earthquake of August 4, 1946, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1948, 38, 1, p. 19-32.

333. K.V. Steinbrugge and R. Flores A., The Chilean Earthquake of May, 1960: A Structural Engineering Viewpoint, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1963, 53, 2, p. 225-307.

334. C.W. Stover and J.L. Coffman, Seismicity of the United States, 1568-1989 (Revised), U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1527, Washington DC, 1993.

335. W. Strauch, Los terremotos mas fuertes en Nicaragua, Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales, Managua, Nicaragua, on-line at URL,, 2000.

335A. M. Tasdemiroglu,The 1970 Gediz Earthquake in Western Anatolia, Turkey, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1971, 61, 6, p. 1507-1527.

336. J.S. Tchalenko, Recent Destructive Earthquakes in the Central Alborz, in J.S. Tchalenko, et al, Materials for the Study of Seismotectonics of Iran: North-central Iran, Geological Survey of Iran Report No. 29, Tehran, Iran, 1974, p. 97-116.

337. F. Vega, Temblores y Terremotos Importantes en la Historia Escrita de Costa Rica, Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico de Costa Rica, Heredia, on-line at URL,, 2000.

339. W. Weischet, translated by R. Von Huene, Further Observations of Geologic and Geomorphic Changes Resulting from the Catastrophic Earthquake of May 1960, in Chile, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1963, 53,6, p.1237-1257.

340. R.A. White and D.H. Harlow, Destructive Upper-Crustal Earthquakes of Central America since 1900, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1993, 83, 4, p. 1115-1142.