Home > Regional Economic Accounts > Gross Domestic Product by State

Gross Domestic Product by State

Today is 09/15/2008. Next release date: June 2009.

As of the October 26, 2006 release, the BEA renamed the gross state product (GSP) series to gross domestic product (GDP) by state.

Revisions to the BEA’s estimates of GDP by state for 2004-2006 and newly available advance estimates by NAICS industry sector for 2007 were completed and released on June 5, 2008 (For more information, see Data Availability). The next scheduled GDP by state release is June 2009. All of the GDP by state estimates are retrievable from this page. You will also find links to the news release and Survey of Current Business article. For more information about the GDP by state estimates, Help is available.

To retrieve and display the desired estimates, please follow steps 1 through 6 to specify one or more GDP by state components, states or regions, industries, and years in the appropriate list boxes. Then specify the format in which the estimates will be displayed on your screen.

Please read the cautionary note concerning the discontinuity in the GDP by state time series.

Step 1. Select an INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION (this will change options available in steps 4 and 5):
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4. NAICS industries (change Industry Classification in Step 1 above)
Step 5.
Step 6. Select a format to display the data you have selected:(see tips)
You can download a compressed ZIP or self-extracting ZIP (EXE) file of all estimated data for a single GDP by state component. Select the GDP by state COMPONENT in Step 2 above, then press one of these buttons.  or 
You can download a prepared file of all estimated data for a single state or region. Select the STATE or REGION in Step 3 above and press this button.

Cautionary note:
There is a discontinuity in the GDP by state time series at 1997, where the data change from SIC industry definitions to NAICS industry definitions. This discontinuity results from many sources, including differences in source data and different estimation methodologies. In addition, the NAICS-based GDP by state estimates are consistent with U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) while the SIC-based GDP by state estimates are consistent with U.S. gross domestic income (GDI). This data discontinuity may affect both the levels and the growth rates of the GDP by state estimates. Users of the GDP by state estimates are strongly cautioned against appending the two data series in an attempt to construct a single time series of GDP by state estimates for 1963 to 2007.

Industry detail note:
NAICS industry detail is based on the 1997 NAICS. SIC industry detail 1987-1997 is based on the 1987 SIC. SIC industry detail 1963 to 1986 is based on the 1972 SIC.

You can make multiple selections in the list boxes by clicking on selections while holding down the SHIFT key (if your selections are contiguous) or the CONTROL key (if they are scattered).

In Step 6 press Display to display the data in an HTML-formatted table (best for viewing on the screen or for printing) Press Download to download a comma-separated-value ("CSV") file (best for importing into a spreadsheet or database application).

The more data you select, the longer it will take to retrieve and display the results. If you select everything or nearly everything, there will be too much data to display and the retrieval system will refuse the request, because this interactive web page is designed to display just selected components of the data rather than the whole data file.

To get large amounts of the data at one time, you can retrieve prepared files available through the "Download" buttons above. You can download the complete GDP by state data file by selecting "All Components" and "All States and Regions" and then clicking any of the three "Download" buttons.

Data file information:
If you request one of the large prepared files, you will download either

  1. an EXE-- a self-extracting compressed file that can be expanded on your computer by double-clicking on the icon associated with the file, or
  2. a ZIP file-- a compressed file that can be uncompressed with software such as PKUNZIP, WinZip, or other software.

If you request a prepared file for a selected state or region, depending on your browser's configuration, it will either be downloaded directly into your browser window or you will have to save it to a file. If it loads into the window, use the browser's File/Save As... feature to save the data to a file.

For all of these downloaded files, the data are in comma-separated-value format, easily imported into most spreadsheet or database applications. Import tips are available.

The self-extracting data files (EXE) are accessed using Windows software. Users of other operating systems who experience problems with downloaded self-extracting files should download a ZIP file instead, or contact us by phone or e-mail gspread@bea.gov.

Last updated: Thursday, June 05, 2008