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Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology
Activities, 2003

Reports and Statements

2003 Annual Report of the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology (January 2003) pdf logo

Copies of all reports are available from the Executive Director of the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1000.

Quarterly Business Meetings

Meeting Dates

  • March 18-19
  • June 10-11
  • September 9-10 (Boulder)
  • December 9-10

Principal Meeting Topics

  • NIST Program Update (3/03, 6/03, 9/03, 12/03)
  • Update on NIST Customer Liaison Function/Industrial Liaison Office (3/03)
  • Measuring NIST's Economic Impacts (3/03)
  • Homeland Security (3/03)
  • Science and Technology in the FY 2004 Budget: Congressional and Administration Priorities (3/03)
  • Implications of Congressional and Administration Science and Technology Priorities for NIST (3/03)
  • Reaffirming NIST's Role as the Leader of the Nation's Measurement System (06/03)
  • Working with NIH (6/03)
  • NIST Role in Biometrology (6/03)
  • Trustworthy Computing (6/03)
  • Industrial Interoperability (6/03)
  • Intelligent Data Infrastructure (6/03)
  • Goals and Priorities (9/03)
  • Boulder Update (9/03)
  • The New Office of the CIO (09/03)
  • Overview of NRC Board on Assessment FY2002 Evaluation of NIST Labs (9/03)
  • Broadband Wireless Communication (9/03)
  • Time and Frequency Measurements and Standards (9/03)
  • Quantum Measurements and Standards (9/03)
  • OMB Assessment of NIST Laboratories (9/03)
  • Safety at NIST (12/03)
  • People Update (12/03)
  • ATP Update (12/03)
  • Overview and Discussion of Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) & Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Policy Roles, Practices, and Perspectives on NIST Programs (12/03)
  • Implementation of NIST 2010 Strategic Plan and Introduction to Roundtable Discussion (12/03)

Laboratory Tours and Presentations

  • Home Security Projects (3/03)
  • Tissue Engineering Metrology (6/03)
  • Single Molecule Measurement and Manipulation (SM3) (6/03))
  • Concealed Weapons Detection (9/03)
  • NIST Fountain Clock Time Standard (9/03)
  • Maintaining the Nation's Critical Infrastructure-World Trade Center Investigation and Pipeline Infrastructure Protection (9/03)
  • Nanoscale Physics Facility (12/03)
  • Microscale Analytical Laboratory (12/03)

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