Dave Fitterman 2005 Transient Electromagnetic Sounding Data text files http://sofia.usgs.gov/exchange/fitterman/fitterTEM.html This data set contains time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) soundings collected at 63 sites in and near Everglades National Park. The data set includes the sounding name, date measured, location information in the form of a descriptive location, zone 17 UTM coordinates, and latitude and longitude, transmitter loop size [meters], and location of receiver coil with respect to the center of the transmitter loop, layered-earth model best fitting the data. This includes the layer resistivity [ohm-meters] and layer thickness [meters]. Also included is the percentage rms misfit error between the observed and calculated apparent resistivity of the model. The purpose of the work was to locate the freshwater-saltwater interface (FWSWI), and to provide data used to remove calibration errors in helicopter electromagnetic data. These data can be used to estimate formation resistivity as a function of depth to depths of up to 100 meters below the surface. This information is a value in determining if the aquifer is freshwater or saltwater saturated. 19950817 19961210 ground condition Complete None planned -81.1 -80.4 25.5 25.15 none salinity pore fluid resistivity airborne electromagnetic survey transient electromagnetic soundings hydrology salt water fresh water mapping geography ISO 19115 Topic Category environment geoscientificInformation inlandWaters 007 008 012 Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4, Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology United States US U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, DC, NIST Florida FL Department of Commerce, 1990, Counties and Equivalent Entities of the United States, Its Possessions, and Associated Areas, FIPS 6-3, Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology Monroe County USGS Geographic Names Information System Shark River Slough Taylor Slough none Central Everglades none surficial aquifer Biscayne aquifer none none David Fitterman U.S. Geological Survey Project Chief mailing address
P. O. Box 25046 Denver Federal Center MS 964
Denver CO 80225 USA
303 236-1382 303 236-1425 fitter@usgs.gov
http://sofia.usgs.gov/exchange/fitterman/locationTEM.html sounding locations for TEM data GIF ASCII text files Fitterman. David Deszcz-Pan, Maria 199907 Geophysical Mapping of Saltwater Intrusion in Everglades National Park report Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Ecohydraulics Salt Lake City, UT International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR) http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/papers/geophysmap/ Stewart, M. A. Bhatt, T. N., Fennema, R. J., Fitterman, D. V. 2002 The Road to Flamingo: an Evaluation of Flow Pattern Alterations and Salinity Intrusion in the Lower Glades, Everglades National Park report USGS Open-File Report OFR 02-59 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/ofr/02-59 Fitterman, David V. Deszcz-Pan, Maria 2002 Helicopter Electromagnetic Data from Everglades National Park and Surrounding Areas, Florida: Collected 9-14 December 1994 report USGS Open-File Report 02-101 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/ofr/02-101/ Fitterman, David V. Deszcz-Pan, Maria; Stoddard, Carl E. 1999 Results of Time-Domain Electromagnetic Soundings in Everglades National Park, Florida report USGS Open-File Report 99-426 Reston, VA U.S. Geological Survey http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/ofr/99-426/ Fitterman, David V. Deszcz-Pan,, Maria 2004 Characterization of Saltwater Intrusion in South Florida Using Electromagnetic Geophysical Methods report Proceedings 18th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting Cartagena, Spain unknown http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/papers/sw_intrusion_sfl/ Fitterman, D. V. Deszcz-Pan M. 2001 Saltwater intrusion in Everglades National Park, Florida measured by airborne electromagnetic surveys report proceedings First Internationl Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers-Monitoring, Modeling, and Management (SWICA-M3 Essaouira, Morocco Labratoire d'Analyse des Systemes Hydrauliques (LASH) http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/papers/sltwtr_intrusn/ Fitterman, D.V. Deszcz-Pan, M. 2001 Using airborne and ground electromagnetic data to map hydrologic features in Everglades National Pak report Proceedings Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems SAGEEP Denver, Co Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/papers/map_hydrofeat/
not applicable not applicable The techniques used in this study rely upon time-varying magnetic fields from a transmitter to induce electrical currents into the ground. The flow of these currents is controlled by the electrical conductivity of the ground. More conductive zones tend to let the induced currents flow unimpeded, while less conductive zones impede the current flow. The induced currents in the ground produce a secondary magnetic field which is recorded by a receiver coil. Analysis of the received signals determines how conductivity (or its reciprocal, resistivity) varies with depth and position. The transient electromagnetic (TEM) sounding method uses the transition from a steady to zero transmitter current to induce current in the ground. The ground response is measured during the transmitter off-time. We employed a 40-m by 40-m transmitter loop with the receiver coil located at the center of the transmitter loop. The data are converted to apparent resistivity before modeling. Layered-earth model parameters are determined using commercially available nonlinear least-squares inversion software. Because of the large number of data points (typically 25-35) compared to the 10 for each HEM measurement, model parameter estimates are more reliable for the TEM data than the HEM data. The TEM method also has the ability to probe to greater depths than the HEM method. From these data we were able to locate the FWSWI, as well as the depth to the base of the Biscayne aquifer. Using the TEM method in the Everglades required slight modification of standard methods as most of the soundings were made in water-covered areas. Equipment had to be floated in plastic tubs, and the transmitter wire was strung over saw grass, while the receiver coil was stood on long legs to keep it above the water. At the few sites where we had observation wells, induction logs were measured. The induction tool uses a frequency-domain electromagnetic system to determine the formation resistivity outside the borehole. The borehole must be cased with non-conducting material such as PVC. Induction logs provide very detailed resistivity-depth information within the vicinity of the borehole about 1 m radius from the well. This information is useful in determining the relationship between formation resistivity and pore water quality. Time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) soundings were made using a Geonics PROTEM system. A square transmitter loop measuring approximately 40 meters on a side was used. The loop was connected to a Geonics EM-47 transmitter which produced a 50-percent duty-cycle square wave. The current in the transmitter loop creates a primary magnetic field. When the transmitter current is interrupted, the decaying primary magnetic field induces a circulating current flow in the ground below the transmitter loop. The decay of this induced current system is controlled by the electrical resistivity of the ground below the transmitter loop. The decaying current system produces a secondary magnetic field, which is sensed by a receiver coil located at the center of the transmitter loop and recorded by the receiver. The recorded signal is called a transient. Many transients are recorded and averaged to reduce noise in the data and to estimate measurement error. The averaged data are converted to apparent resistivity to allow comparison of one sounding to another. The data are modeled as one-dimensional, layered-earth models. The electrical resistivity and thickness of model layers is determined by least-squares parameter estimation. Unknown David Fitterman U.S. Geological Survey Project Chief mailing address
P. O. Box 25046 Denver Federal Center MS 964
Denver CO 80225 USA
303 236-1382 303 236-1425 fitter@usgs.gov
southwest Florida coast Point Entity point 63 1 0.1 Decimal degrees North American Datum of 1983 Geodetic Reference System 80 6378137 298.257 The time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) data were collected in and near Everglades National Park. The TEM data sets contain all necessary information required for data interpretation. The data were recorded using a Geonics PROTEM receiver and EM-47 transmitter. The data set includes the following information: 1. Sounding name 2. Date measured 3. Location information in the form of: a descriptive location, zone 17 UTM coordinates, and lattitude and longitude. 4. Transmitter loop size [meters] and location of receiver coil with respect to the center of the transmitter loop. 5. Layered-earth model best fitting the data. This includes the layer resistivity [ohm-meters] and layer thickness [meters]. Also included is the percentage rms misfit error between the observed and calculated apparent resistivity of the model. 6. Information on the measurement system including: the TEM system used, the repetition frequency [hertz] of the transmitted waveform, the data set code (Used by interpretation software to represent the repetition frequency.), the transmitter current [amperes], the length of the transmitter turnoff ramp [microseconds], the receiver coil area-turns product [turns-meters2], and the receiver gain setting. The actual receiver gain is 52.1x2G, where G is the gain setting. 7. Apparent resistivity-time data are provided for two base frequencies: the higher base-frequency data are on the left hand side and the lower base-frequency data on the right hand side. For each frequency the following information is given: * the time of the measurement point after transmitter turn off [milliseconds]; * the measured apparent resistivity [ohm-meters]; * the estimate measurement error [percent]; * a mask code which indicates if the data were used (u) in the least-squares parameter estimation, masked (m) from the parameter estimation but retained for possible inclusion in modeling, or deleted (d) from the parameter estimation because the observation error was too large; * and the apparent resistivity calculated for the best-fit model. USGS personnel Heather S.Henkel U.S. Geological Survey mailing address
600 Fourth St. South
St. Petersburg FL 33701 USA
727 803-8747 ext 3028 727 803-2030 hhenkel@usgs.gov
Transient Electromagnetic Data The data have no implied or explicit guarantees ASCII text unknown Individual files contain data for one site; or the data may be downloaded as one file 0.2 http://sofia.usgs.gov/exchange/fitterman/fitterTEM.html Data may be downloaded from the SOFIA web site None
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