USDA ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory

 Friday February 03, 2006

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Link to Cropping SystemsCropping Systems

Link to Soil ManagementSoil Management


Link to Weed Biological ControlWeed Biological


Link to Insect ManagementInsect Management


Link to TEAM Leafy SpurgeTEAM Leafy Spurge

Link to Grasshopper HandbookGrasshopper


Link to Hoary Cress ConsortiumHoary Cress


Link to PublicationsPublications

Link to Conference ArchivesConference Archives


Link to PlainFacts NewsletterPlainFacts


Link to Photo GalleryPhoto Gallery

Link to Movie GalleryMovie Gallery

Link to Weather StationsWeather Stations

Link to Safety TipsSafety Tips

Link to Safety TipsE-rase your E-waste

Link to Community Info.Community Info.





What's New

The following is a list of major additions and changes to our website.  Feel free to check here regularly to find out what's new.


NEW! Added Job Opportunity: Biological Science Technician (8/22/2005)
of new USDA-ARS-NPARL website, which is in the latter part of the construction phase with continued on-going updates to come (10/2004)
Job Opportunities: 2 Post-doc Positions, an Agronomist/Cropping Ecologist Research Scientist, an Agricultural Engineer/Soil Physics Research Scientist, and a Part-time Custodial Position (07/2004 & 08/2004)

Added to Photo Gallery pictures from the 2004 Froid Research Farm Tour (06/24/2004)
Underway is the on-going ARS website consolidation project (05/2004)

Added to Photo Gallery pictures from the Community Emergency Response Team training (03/19-20/2004)

Underway is the revamp of the Grasshopper: Their Biology, Identification and Management CD and website due to be completed in September (03/2004)
Job Opportunity: Seeking Summer Field Techs, Biological Science Lab Tech, and Accounting Tech (02/13/04)

Updated All personnel information (1/20/2004)

Added "Just For Kids!" Soils page (1/16/2004)
NPARL welcomes
Andrew Lenssen, Jed Waddell, and Upendra M. Sainju. (01/12/2004)

Added "Just For Kids!" Recipes page (12/01/2003)

Launch of NPARL's Community Information Website (12/01/03)
Added ARS 50th Anniversary "Decades Party" photos added to Photo Gallery (11/17/2003)

Added Movie Gallery! (10/06/03)

Added Busch Ag Resources dedication ceremony photos to Photo Gallery (08/11/2003)

Added MonDak Irrigation Research and Development Project's groundbreaking photos to Photo Gallery (08/11/2003)

Added 2003 MSU Eastern Ag Research Center Field Day photos to Photo Gallery (08/01/2003)

Added Sidney Public Library Summer Program photos to Photo Gallery (08/01/2003)

Added Job Opportunity: Scientist Position (07/25/03)

Launch of the Hoary Cress Consortium (07/11/03)

Added Farm Research Farm Tour photos to Photo Gallery (7/01/2003)

Added photos of NPARL's Sweep Net Drill Team at Sidney's Annual Heritage Day Parade (06/20/03)

Added Job Opportunity: Research Scientist Position (02/24/03)

NPARL welcomes Mary Fay (12/16/02)

Updated Safety Tips page with links, fire safety information & winter survival information (12/12/02)

Added a "Just For Kids!" page including the following sections: Insects, Agriculture, Lewis & Clark, and Fun Websites (12/11/02)

Added Brown Bagger photos to Photo Gallery (12/01/2002)

Launch of the revamped Northern PlainFacts Newsletter website (11/27/02)

NPARL welcomes Neoma Irene Sol and Jeannie Lassey (11/22/02)

Added Sidney Chamber of Commerce's Business After Hours event and the Education East Tour photos to the Photo Gallery (11/13/02)

NPARL welcomes Bryan Fitzgerald (11/01/02)

Added these new pages to the website for the individual scientists' that apply: Sunnhemp, Dryland Corn at Rasmussen Site, Russuloid Basidiomycete Fungi as Bio Indicators for Soil Quality, Molecular Tools for Bio Control, Soil Quality, and Insect Research, Hydrophobicity of Basidiomycetes as a Factor in Soil Structure, Plant Pathogen/Insect Synergisms Are The Key To The Bio Control of Rangeland Weeds and Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters of Sugar Beet Pathogens.

Added Dedication photos to the Photo Gallery (08/19/02)

NPARL welcomes John Gaskin (08/14/02)

Launch of completely redesigned website (08/01/02)



Below are all of the changes that were made to our pre-existing website.

Added new job opportunities (03/20/2002)

Added new job opportunities (02/26/2002)

Added publications to Gerry Anderson's page (02/01/2002)

Added sunnhemp section to Robert Kolberg's page (02/01/2002)

Added new pictures to the Station Pictures page (12/14/2001)

Updated our Organizational Structure (11/20/2001)

Added the 2001 summer employees (11/01/2001)

Launch of Grasshopper web site (07/09/2001)

Added 2000 Performance of Field Crop Varieties on EARC's website (04/16/2001)

Added new publications and 2000 Annual reports on EARC's website (04/13/2001)

Added Location Administrative Officer position (04/03/2001)

NPARL welcomes Julie Grace (03/26/2001)

Added Summer 2000 employees (03/01/2001)

Updated NPARL At a Glance (02/23/2001)

Added new job opportunities (02/20/2001)

Added a Dryland Corn section to Robert Kolberg's page (02/12/2001)

Added Ernest Delfosse to the website (01/22/2001)

Added Robert Evans and Mimi Harrington to the website. Updated our Location page. (01/03/2001)

Added Sultan Begna to the website (12/20/2000)

Added the Grasshopper Management CD request form to Dave Branson's page. (12/07/2000)

Added Robert T. Lartey's page. (09/25/2000)

Added NPARL At a Glance (09/15/2000)

Updated The following pages - Personnel DirectoryResearch Scientists. Added Greg Sword's page. (09/07/2000)

Added a link to the International Knapweed Symposium (08/11/2000)

We have switched our phone service. Our old prefix (482) has been replaced by our new prefix (433). Our area code (406) is still the same and our internal numbers are still the same. So to reach the front desk you would dial 406.433.2020 (04/04/2000)

Added more new job opportunities (03/09/2000)

Added new job opportunities (03/01/2000)

Updated and improved history section. (02/08/2000)

Added movement map to the bottom of Tom Shanower's Wheat Stem Sawfly page (02/07/2000)

Added grasshopper information added to Dave Branson's page (01/21/2000)

Updated Research Scientist's information (01/14/2000)

Added "Winter Safety" to the Health & Safety section. (12/22/99)

Added "Noxious Weeds of the U.S. and Southern Canada" to the links page. (12/20/99)

Added new job opportunity (12/13/99)

NPARL website is back online after being offline from 11/10/1999 - 12/13/1999 due to technical difficulties and system/security upgrades(12/13/99)

Launch of Fifth International Safflower Conference 2001 (11/09/99)

Added research info to Dave Branson's page (11/08/99)

Added Dennis Fielding to the Research Scientists page (10/07/99)

Added "Heat Facts and Advice" to the Health and Safety section (10/07/99)

Updated the personnel directory (10/07/99)

Added the pages for Dennis Fielding, (09/01/99)

Updates to the following pages: Orgnizational Structure | Personnel Directory | Research Programs (Including The Corresponding Thrust Areas) (09/01/99)

Added new job opportunity (06/23/99)

Added new job opportunity (05/24/99)

NPARL bids farewell to Jerry Onsager who is retiring! (05/14/99)

Added new job opportunity (05/06/99)

Added pages to EARC section: 1998 Performance of Field Crop Varieties, 1998 Annual Reports, & Publications (04/07/99)

Added new job opportunity (02/17/99)

Updated Organizational structure and added some station pictures to the about page (07/02/98)

Added new annual reports on EARC web page (04/08/98)

Added new job opening (03/17/98)

Launch of X International symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (02/03/98)

NPARL welcomes Thomas Shanower (01/26/98)

NPARL welcomes Gerry Anderson (11/12/97)

Launch of The Ecological Areawide Management (TEAM) -- Leafy Spurge (10/31/97)

Added a new map to the Location page which now has the capabilities of locating our station right down to the street address (10/03/97)

Added information to Water Hyacinth, including infrared photos shot by STS astronauts (08/22/97)

Launch of Eastern Agricultural Research Center (07/23/97)


USDA-ARS-NPARL  P.O. Box 463  Sidney, MT 59270  PH: 406.433.2020  FAX: 406.433.5038

For accessibility questions or other concerns, please e-mail: webmaster[at]

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