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Scientists are particularly interested in Saturn's moon Titan because it's one of the few known moons with its own dense atmosphere. Titan's atmosphere is also thought to be very similar to what Earth's atmosphere was a long time ago. By learning about Titan, we'll learn about our own planet.
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2005-03-03 | MISSIONS
Rainbows on Titan

When the European Space Agency's Huygens probe visited Saturn's moon Titan in January, the probe parachuted through humid clouds, photographed river channels, and landed in mud. Titan's "water" is liquid methane, better known on Earth as natural gas. Regular Earth-water would be frozen solid on Titan where the surface temperature is 290 degrees F below zero. Methane, on the other hand, is a flowing liquid.

Titan is of particular interest to astrobiologists because it is the only known moon in the Solar System with a thick atmosphere. Studying the organic chemistry of Titan's atmosphere, which could resemble that of early Earth, may help scientists understand the origin of life on our planet. Understanding how life emerges from cosmic and planetary precursors is a primary goal of astrobiology.

More on this story Full text of original item from NASA, Mar 03, 2005

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Jun 06, 2007 | SCIENCE
Building Titan
(Science and Technology Facilities Council) - The Huygens probe landed on Titan two and a half years ago, but the data it collected is still yielding new scientific insights about Saturn's largest moon.

Mar 14, 2007 | SCIENCE
NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Images Seas on Titan
(NASA) - Instruments on NASA's Cassini spacecraft have found evidence for seas, likely filled with liquid methane or ethane, in the high northern latitudes of Saturn's moon Titan. One such feature is larger than any of the Great Lakes of North America and is about the same size as several seas on Earth..

Aug 02, 2006 | MISSIONS
NASA Reports That Methane Drizzles on Saturn's Moon
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Jul 28, 2006 | MISSIONS
Cassini Finds Lakes on Titan's Arctic Region
(NASA - JPL) - NASA's Cassini spacecraft has found lakes on Saturn's moon Titan.

May 05, 2006 | MISSIONS
NASA and Partners Release New Movies of Titan
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Nov 29, 2005 | MISSIONS
Joint News Briefing to Discuss Titan and Mars
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Nov 21, 2005 | MISSIONS
ESA 'Huygens and Mars Express' Science Highlights - Call to press
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Nov 04, 2005 | MISSIONS
Honing in on Huygens Landing Site
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Oct 28, 2005 | MISSIONS
Cassini's Upcoming Look at Huygens Landing Site
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May 23, 2005 | MISSIONS
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Apr 04, 2005 | MISSIONS
A Fifth Successful Flyby of Saturn's Moon Titan
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Feb 10, 2005 | MISSIONS
NASA Observations Help Determine Titan Wind Speeds
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Jan 21, 2005 | MISSIONS
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Jan 18, 2005 | MISSIONS
Huygens Lands in Titanian Mud
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Jan 17, 2005 | MISSIONS
View from Ten Kilometers High
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Jan 14, 2005 | MISSIONS
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Jan 14, 2005 | MISSIONS
Huygens Probe Ready for Spectacular Mission to Titan
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Parachuting to Titan
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Dec 28, 2004 | MISSIONS
Cassini Mission Status Report
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Dec 26, 2004 | MISSIONS
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European Space Agency's Huygens Probe Set to Detach From Cassini Orbiter
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Dec 07, 2004 | MISSIONS
Huygens to Begin its Final Journey to Titan
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Nov 30, 2004 | MISSIONS
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Nov 26, 2004 | MISSIONS
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Nov 23, 2004 | MISSIONS
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Nov 08, 2004 | MISSIONS
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Nov 04, 2004 | MISSIONS
The Day of Descent
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Oct 28, 2004 | MISSIONS
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Oct 22, 2004 | MISSIONS
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Oct 21, 2004 | MISSIONS
NASA Announces Cassini Titan Flyby Coverage
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Saturn's Moon Titan: Planet Wannabe
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Apr 05, 2004 | MISSIONS
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Nov 01, 2002 | MISSIONS
Titan in View
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Sep 26, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
ESA to Search for Life, but not as We Know It
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Sep 17, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
One Small Step... but Only on a Hospitable Planet!
(ESA) - Robotic explorers in our solar system may pave the way for future human missions.

Aug 30, 2002 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
NASA Researchers Find Wind Blows in Titan’s Organic Haze
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Aug 29, 2002 | MISSIONS
No Bugs Please, This Is a Clean Planet!
(ESA) - ESA is making sure its robotic missions to bodies within our solar system are biologically ‘clean’.

Taking to the Air on Saturn's Moon Titan
( - Smoggy Titan may one day be explored by blimp.

Oct 22, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Titan: Biological Birthplace?
(NASA Astrobiology Institute) - Saturn’s giant moon Titan, cloaked in a thick nitrogen atmosphere laced with hydrocarbons, could provide a laboratory in the sky for scientists seeking insight into the origins of life.

Sep 27, 2001 | MISSIONS
Cassini-Huygens Checks Out Successfully
(ESA) - In its most recent in-flight checkup, all systems aboard the Cassini spacecraft and the Huygens probe are still fully functional.

Cassini/Huygens Mission to Titan Changed to Save Data
( - Engineers have devised a fix for an error that would have lost data from Saturn's moon.

May 16, 2001 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
What Is Saturn's Moon Titan Really Made Of?
(Spaceflight Now/ESA) - New images of Titan bolster the idea that an ocean of liquid organic compounds exists on its surface.

Dec 22, 2000 | MISSIONS
Cassini probe snaps photos of Ganymede, Callisto and Europa
(NASA) - Passing by Jupiter, the Cassini spacecraft has returned new images of the giant planet 's largest moons. Three of them may harbor oceans of water.

Dec 08, 2000 | MISSIONS
NASA's Galileo celebrates five years orbiting Jupiter
(NASA) - In its years of service, Galileo has provided evidence of liquid water on Europa and Callisto.

Oct 18, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Liquid methane rain on Titan
(BBC) - Scientists have found evidence that methane in the atmosphere of Titan condenses into liquid and rains down on the surface.

Engineers work to fix problem with mission to Titan
(NASA) - Engineers hope to repair a communications glitch aboard the Cassini-Huygens space probe, now en route to Saturn's moon Titan.

Aug 16, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Possible ice mountains seen on Titan
(Spaceflight Now/University of Arizona) - A bright spot on this moon of Saturn may be mountains of water ice drenched in a rain of liquid methane.

Apr 17, 2000 | MISSIONS
Cassini survives the asteroid belt
(Science@NASA) - The Cassini mission may shed light on whether organics in the outer solar system influenced the origin of life.

Aug 18, 1999 | MISSIONS
Cassini-Huygens flies by Earth
(Science@NASA) - The spacecraft has passed through Earth's gravity again to slingshot itself to Saturn.

Aug 17, 1999 | MISSIONS
The fallout from Cassini
(Scientific American) - Controversy over the spacecraft's plutonium may threaten future missions to explore the solar system.

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Editor: Minafra
NASA Official: Lynn J. Rothschild
Last Updated: November 13, 2007
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