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HOPWA Formula Program

 Information by State
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Formula Grantee Guidance

 -   Performance Measurement Regional Grantee Training Sessions
HUD is sponsoring 15 regional training sessions that will provide information to grantees on performance measurement principles and the new CPD Outcome Framework.
more... | Brochure
 -   Bernardi Presents $599,000 to Help House Hundreds of Low-Income Persons with HIV/AIDS in Rochester Area
HUD's Deputy Secretary tours local HIV/AIDS housing program
 -   Notice of Outcome Performance Measurement System for Community Planning and Development Formula Grant Programs
Following the culmination of two years of cooperative work between national community development interest groups, the Office of Management and Budget, and HUD, the Department is pleased to provide the Notice on the Outcome Performance Measurement System for Community Planning and Development's Formula Grant Programs. This notice went on public display on March 3, 2006 and is scheduled to be published in the "Federal Register" on March 7, 2006. The notice describes the performance measurement system and how the system will be implemented. This system will allow HUD, based on grantee input, to describe the outcomes produced nationally by approximately $7 billion of CDBG, HOME, HOPWA and ESG formula grant funds.
Word - Notice | Appendix
PDF - Notice and Appendix
 -   FY 2005 HOPWA Formula Grant Operating Instructions
 -   Annual Reporting
 -   Allocations and Awards

What's New
HOPWA Performance Profiles
The Office of HIV/AIDS Housing is pleased to introduce the quarterly HOPWA Performance Profiles.

HOPWA Sattelite Broadcast/Webcast
(March 12, 2008 ~ 2-3:00 PM):

The Office of HIV/AIDS Housing is pleased to announce a HOPWA program satellite broadcast on the revised HOPWA performance reporting requirements for formula and competitive grantees.

HUD’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing is pleased to introduce the following updated HOPWA Performance Reports:
 -   General Deputy Assistant Secretary announces improved reporting tools for HOPWA Formula and Competitive Grantees
 -   2008 Performance Reporting, Orientation Paper
 -   HOPWA Update for 2008, Powerpoint Presentation
 -   Example of Performance Profile, Excel Spreadsheet
 -   HOPWA Revised CAPER
 -   HOPWA Revised APR

2008 Formula Grant Allocations
The official 2008 formula grant allocation amounts are now posted on HUD’s web site. The announcement letters of these allocations have been mailed by HUD to the chief elected officials of each formula grantee.

Want More Information?

For more information on the Formula Program, email HOPWA.

Local Resources
Click for local HIV/AIDS housing information

Statewide HIV/AIDS
Housing Information

HOPWA distributes program funds using a statutory formula that relies on AIDS statistics (cumulative AIDS cases and area incidence) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Three quarters of HOPWA formula funding is awarded to qualified States and Metropolitan areas with the highest number of AIDS cases. One quarter of the formula funding is awarded to metropolitan areas that have a higher-than-average per capita incidence of AIDS.

The Qualifications

HOPWA Formula Grants are awarded upon submission and HUD approval of a Consolidated Plan pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (24 CFR Part 91), which is published by the Office of the Federal Register. Metropolitan areas with a population of more than 500,000 and at least 1,500 cumulative AIDS cases are eligible for HOPWA Formula Grants. In these areas, the largest city serves as the Formula Grant Administrator. States with more than 1,500 cumulative AIDS cases (in areas outside cities eligible to receive HOPWA funds) are also eligible to receive HOPWA Formula Grants.

States, cities, and local governments and nonprofit organizations may also apply for HOPWA Competitive Grants or HOPWA Technical Assistance Funding grants. More detailed information on the application process is available through the How Do I Apply section of this site.

Past Funding

In fiscal year 2003, a total of $259.304 million was allocated by formula to 111 grantees. These grantees represent 75 eligible metropolitan statistical areas (EMSA's) and 36 eligible States for areas outside of EMSA's. This amount has increased since 1992 from $42.9 million awarded to 38 grantees (27 cities and 11 States). A description of each city and State program can be found in the Related Information on this page.

Content updated February 4, 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to Top   
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