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FY 2005 Round II HOPWA Competitive Grant Operating Instructions

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Competitive Program Resources


Memorandum with Operating Instructions

HOPWA Round II Competitive Grant Announcement Project Summaries


Grant Award Phase
 -   Attachment 1: Description of the 2005 HOPWA Renewal and Continuing Grant Selections:
 -   FY 2005 HOPWA Competitive Awards
Grant Action Phase
 -   Attachment 3: Notification of Funding Approval - Transmittal of Performance Grant Agreements
pdf | word
 -   Attachment 4: HOPWA Round II 2005 Grant Agreement Forms
 -   Performance Grant Agreement for 2005 Competitive Renewal Grants
pdf | word
 -   Performance Grant Agreement for the 2005 Competitive New Demonstration Grants
pdf | word
 -   Performance Grant Agreement for the 2005 Competitive New Permanent Supportive Housing Grants
pdf | word
 -   Attachment 5: HOPWA Regulations
24 CFR 574 as of April 1, 2005
 -   Attachment 7: Grantee Financial Instructions
 -   Attachment 8: Transmittal Letter - Executed Grant Agreement
pdf | word
Grant Performance Phase
 -   Attachment 9:reserved for the updated annual performance report and explanatory documents on the use of the new APR and logic model forms HOPWA Annual Reporting
 -   Attachment 10: HOPWA Grant Extension
pdf | word
 -   Attachment 11: HOPWA Amendment to Change Term of Competitive Grant Agreement
pdf | word
 -   Attachment 12: HOPWA Early Termination of Competitive Grant Agreement
pdf | word

Want More Information?
If you have any questions regarding these instructions please email hopwa@hud.gov

Post-Award Operating Instructions for the Round II 2005 HOPWA Competition - Performance Grant Agreements

This site provides instructions to Field Offices for processing the 16 conditionally selected 2005 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Round II competitive grants. Selections were made on December 1, 2005 pursuant to the Department's 2005 Super Notice for Funding Availability (SuperNOFA) published on March 21, 2005.

This memorandum provides information regarding the processing of the performance grant agreement. These grants will involve grant conditions and many have revisions to their budgets--these details will be forwarded shortly to each field office for the HOPWA projects in your area.

The material will also specify the HUD-approved budget line items and the HUD-approved leveraging for these projects. Two projects (a renewal in Baltimore and a continuing transitional housing project in the Bronx) will involve the close out of their existing grants that might involve some negotiation with the grantee, consistent with NOFA limits. Attachment 2 (to be sent under separate email) provides these approved amounts and any related conditions or alerts. If a correction to this attachment is need, please have staff coordinate this change with the Office of HIV/AIDS Housing at Headquarters. The attachment must be used as Exhibit B as a part of the signed performance grant agreement.

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