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The Bering Sea Survey, C&GS
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The horses act as a sort of connecting link with civilization and afford much amusement to the camp party. At lunch time they usually come over near where the men are eating and stand by waiting for a handout. Their favorite refreshment is a cheese sandwich. At night in camp one or two of them always pay a visit to the cook tent and generally are rewarded with some leftover - they are unusually fond of rice. Also they will occasionally get into a pan of applesauce which has been set out to cool.

In crossing streams too deep to wade, two men get on a horse's back to avoid getting wet. One horse, in particular, has the habit of sitting down right in midstream, having learned that part of his load will slide off when he does this. He may do it to prevent sinking into the sand with his extra load, but it is considered by the men just pure cussedness.


The topographic work presents no special problems since the work is routine and is being done in the manner of the good old "horse and buggy" days without the assistance of air photographs.

Launch Hydrography

Launch hydrography is also routine, except that the working days are few and far between. An average of about five per month is all that can be expected. Recording echo sounding instruments in the launches would be of wonderful assistance and result in a remarkable increase in efficiency in this area, where the working days are so few. Where such instruments have been used in the Canadian Hydrographic Service the launch output has been increased fivefold and it has been possible to operate with fewer men in the sounding party. It is understood that some portable echo sounders will be supplied to Alaskan parties next season.

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Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.

Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:24 AM

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