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Additional LTPP Studies

Seasonal Monitoring Program (SMP)

The SMP study attempts to understand the impact of daily and yearly, temperature and moisture changes on pavement structure and its response to loads. Sixty three sites were selected from the GPS and SPS studies and are being monitored continuously for temperature and moisture. Measurements were made using the following devices:

  • Time-Domain Reflectometry - Subsurface moisture changes.
  • Thermistor Probes - Subsurface temperature changes.
  • Electrical Resistivity - Frost/thaw depth.
  • Piezometers - Ground-water table determination.
  • Air Temperature Probes - Ambient temperature.
  • Tipping-Bucket Rain Gauge - Precipitation.

In addition, collection of deflection, profile, and distress data is being accomplished using LTPP equipment and testing protocols.

Information on instrumentation and data collection is contained in the report LTPP Seasonal Monitoring Program: Instrumentation Installation and Data Collection Guide, FHWA-RD-94-110 which can be obtained from the R&T Report Center, 9701 Philadelphia Court, Unit Q, Lanham, MD 20706, Tel: (301) 577-0818, Fax: (301) 577-1421.

For additional information, contact LTPP Customer Service Center, telephone: (202) 493-3035, or e-mail:

Dynamic Load Response Studies

Various PCC pavement sections of the SPS-2 project in North Carolina were selected for measuring pavement response under controlled loading conditions. Both deflections and strains at defined positions within the slab were recorded under loading by known vehicles. A total of 30 traces were obtained from each pass of the loaded vehicle with multiple repetitions at multiple speeds collected at various times of the day. Data was collected quarterly over a two year period. For additional information, contact LTPP Customer Service Center, telephone: (202) 493-3035, or e-mail:

This page last modified on 06/02/06

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration