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Electronics & Sensors


Fast paced and ever changing, the electronics industry does not rest on the success of any single invention. Rather it relies on continuous innovation to develop new products, reduce capital and operating costs, and shorten development cycles. Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are constantly devising new electronics and sensors that propel industry forward.

Tap into R&D from a leading national laboratory that can conduct world-class research and development for your business, alongside your own research team or independent of them. Keep your research and development pipeline full—without the cost of retaining a vast in-house research team or facilities and equipment—and enjoy close collaboration with our scientists as they take your ideas to the next level.

We offer expertise in the areas of Materials and Chemical Sciences; Measurement and Sensors; Computational Science and Information Technology; Process and Environmental Technology; and Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Please take a moment to review the technologies available for licensing in the Electronics and Sensors portfolios. We look forward to partnering with you in advancing technology for the future of industry.

About PNNL

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Additional Information

So What? Podcast

So What?

Tune in to Mike Schwenk's podcast discussing the impact of technology investment, and join the conversation!

Industrial Research Areas

Battelle Ventures

Technologies Available for Licensing (by Industry)