Kevin Cunningham 2004 L-31N Lithological and Geophysical Data The objectives of this data acquisition project were to provide the on-site geologic expertise while the four coreholes and the deepest well in each cluster were drilled and constructed, and to complete the downhole geophysical logging including video and flow meter logging of these boreholes. The USGS on-site geologist provided technical guidance to the drill crew, described the lithology of the core and unconsolidated sediments, and stored the cores and sediment samples for the duration of the project. USGS staff provided and ran gamma ray, fluid conductivity and temperature, EM-induction, 3-arm caliper, full wave form sonic tools, a heat-pulse flow meter, an OBI-40 Mark III digital optical tool, and the Laval video tool. The goal of the L-31N Seepage Management Pilot Project is to reduce levee seepage that moves from Everglades National Park to the east. As participants in this pilot project, the South Florida Water Management District, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the United States Geological Survey worked together to provide a hydrogeologic characterization of the Surficial aquifer underlying the L-31N Levee in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Because there is little detailed hydrogeologic data of the Surficial aquifer (to depth) in this area, the L-31N Seepage Management Project Delivery Team (PDT) installed two clusters of monitor wells and four additional coreholes along the levee to provide the necessary detailed hydrogeologic data to the PDT. The L-31N project was spilt into two seperate projects, a data acquisition project and an interpretive project. The objectives of the data acquisition project was to provide the on-site geologic expertise while the four coreholes and the deepest well in each cluster were drilled and constructed, and to complete the downhole geophysical logging including video and flow meter logging of these boreholes. The objective of the data interpretation project was to provide the PDT with detailed hydrogeologic information in order to understand the movement of water in the Surficial aquifer along the L-31N levee and delineate the lithology and hydrostratigraphy of the rocks and sediments underlying the levee. 2003 2004 ground condition Complete None planned -80.5 -80.4 25.75 25.6 none hydrology geology geophysical lithology monitoring wells ISO 19115 Topic Category environment geoscientificInformation inlandWaters 007 008 012 Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4, Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology United States US U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D. C., NIST FL Florida Department of Commerce, 1990, Counties and Equivalent Entities of the United States, Its Possessions, and Associated Areas, FIPS 6-3, Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology Miami-Dade County none South East Coast L31N USGS Geographic Names Information System Everglades National Park none None. Kevin Cunningham U.S. Geological Survey mailing and physical address
3110 SW 9th Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale FL 33315 USA
954 377-5913 954 377-5901 map showing location of coreholes and monitoring wells for the L31N seepage project GIF This was a joint project with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). USGS project personnel included Michael Wacker. The data are available as Log ASCII Standard (.las), Text (.txt), and Portable Document Format (.pdf). Log ASCII Standard files can be opened in any logging computer program. Cunningham, Kevin J. Carlson, Janine L., Wingard, G. Lynn , Robinson, Edward, Wacker, Michael A. 2004 Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneity Using Cyclostratigraphy and Geophysical Methods in the Upper Part of the Karstic Biscayne Aquifer, Southeastern Florida report USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4208 Tallahassee, FL U.S. Geological Survey Cunningham, Kevin J. Wacker, Michael A., Robinson, Edward, Gefvert, Cynthia J., Krupa, Steven L. 2004 Hydrogeology and Ground-Water Flow at Levee 31N, Miami-Dade County, Florida, July 2003 to May 2004 map Scientific Investigations Map I-2846 Reston VA U.S. Geolgoical Survey Cunningham, Kevin J. McNeill, Donald F., Guertin, Laura A., Ciesielski, Paul F., Scott, Thomas M., De Verteuil, Laurent 1998 New Tertiary Stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida GSA Bulletin v. 110, no.2 Boulder, CO Geological Society of America Cunningham, Kevin J. Carlson, Janine I., Hurley, Neil F. 2004 New method for quantification of vuggy porosity from digital optical boreholes images as applied to the karstic Pleistocene limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, southeastern Florida Journal of Applied Geophysocs v. 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Elsevier Science BV Entire paper is available from the Journal of Applied Geophysics website (journal subscription is required) Cunningham, Kevin J. Locker, Stanley D., Hine, Labert C., Bukry, David, Barron, John A., Guertin, Laura A. 2003 Interplay of Late Cenozoic Siliciclastic Supply and Carbonate Response on the Southeast Florida Platform Journal of Sedimentary Research v. 73, no. 1 Tulsa, OK SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology Cunningham, Kevin J. 2004 Application of ground-penetrating radar, digital borehole images, and cores for characterization of porosity hydraulic conductivity and paleokarst in the Biscayne aquifer, southeastern Florida, USA Journal of Applied Geophysics v. 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Elsevier Science Entire paper is available from the Journal of Applied Geophysics wersite (journal memership is required) Bruno, M. Cristina Cunningham, Kevin J., Perry, Sue A. 2003 Copepod Communities from Surface and Ground Waters in the Everglades, South Florida Southeastern Naturalist v. 2, no. 4 Washington. DC BioOne The original of this paper was in the Southeastern Naturalist published by the Humboldt Field Research Institute in Maine. Cunningham, Kevin J. Locker, S.D., Hine, A. C., Bukry, David, Barron, J. A., Guertin, L. A. 2001 Surface-Geophysical Characterization of Ground-Water Systems of the Caloosahatchee River Basin, Southern Florida report USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 01-4084 Tallahassee, FL U.S. Geological Survey Cunningham, Kevin J. Bukry, David, Sato, Tokiyuki, Barron, John A., Guertin, Laura A., Reese, Ronald S. 2001 Sequence Stratigraphy of a South Florida Carbonate Ramp and Bounding Siliciclastics (Late Miocene-Pliocene) Florida Geological Survey Special Publication 49 Tallahassee, FL Florida Geological Survey in Geology and Hydrology of Lee County, Florida Durward H. Boggess Memorial Symposium Thomas M. Missimer and Thomas M, Scott, eds
The USGS geologist was on site while the drill crew prepared to drill and while drilling, developing, and constructing the four coreholes and the deepest well in each cluster. The site geologist: Monitored the drilling contractor for adherence to the work order specifications including environmental limitations/requirements, borehole development, and well construction, Collected, labeled, and stored all geologic samples (cores and liners from SPTs), Described geologic samples in field log book, and Summarized hydrogeologic data and other information from the wells and provided it to the USGS Water District staff. The same procedure was followed for all wells and the coreholes. Well G-3778 does not have a spinner flow meter log. Latitude and longitude are given to the nearest second. 0.0 feet error after logging Well-site data acquisition phase: South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) responsibilities: Contracted with licensed drilling contractor to install monitor wells and coreholes, Coordinated schedule with drilling contractor and the USGS staff, Was available to meet with or talk with on-site geologists to discuss the new data and select well screen intervals, and Provided timely review and comments/approval of deliverables. USGS responsibilities: Provided personnel and equipment, including geophysical tools, flow meters, and video tools required to complete the project, Monitored the performance of the drilling contractor to assure adherence to the established scope of work, Used USGS geophysical tools, flow meters, and video tools to log four coreholes and the deepest well in each cluster, Provided lithologic and geophysical data and other information to SFWMD staff to select well-screen interval depths and make other geotechnical decisions, Provided deliverables including digital logs, MPG file (mini-movie of borehole video), and computed vuggy porosity logs Calibrated geophysical log data to seismic reflection profiles using newly acquired sonic velocity data, 200310 Data interpretation phase: The USGS: Provided personnel and equipment, including appropriate software necessary to complete the project, Provided USGS hydrostratigraphic data as needed to complete the project., Provided as deliverables six log montages and a hydrostratigraphic cross section as an Open-File report in the form of a plate, and Presented the findings to the PDT. 2004 Kevin Cunningham U.S. Geological Survey mailing and physical address
3110 SW 9th Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale FL 33315 USA
954 377-5913 954 377-5901
Biscayne aquifer 1 1 Degrees, minutes, and decimal seconds North American Datum of 1983 Geodetic Reference System 80 6378137 298.257 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 .01 feet Implicit coordinate Information collected for the wells included caliper log, conductivity and resistivity log, gamma log, flow log, spinner fow meter log, and the lithologic and geophysical log. none Heather S.Henkel U.S. Geological Survey mailing address
600 Fourth St. South
St. Petersburg FL 33701 USA
727 803-8747 ext 3028 727 803-2030
L-31N lithological & geophysical data No warrantees are implied or explicit for the data Log ASCII Standard unknown The data are in tables in .las format which can be opened in any logging computer program. Log onto the SOFIA website at ASCII unknown The data are in ASCII text files Log onto the SOFIA website at Adobe PDF 7.0 graphic showing depth, lithofacies, OBI 40 digital borehole image, porosity logs, flow meter logs, gamma, conductivity and resistivity, full waveform sonic data, and well completion diagrams for each well Log onto the SOFIA website at none
20070130 Heather Henkel U.S. Geological Survey mailing and physical address
600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg FL 33701 USA
727 803-8747 ext 3028 727 803-2030
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