Appendix A.—Classification of Industries in the 1992 Capital Flow Table

Industry number Industry title Related 1987 SIC codes
102Agriculture production01, 02
789Agricultural services07, 08, 09
1000Metal mining10
1200Coal mining12
1300Oil and gas extraction13
1400Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels14
1567Construction15, 16, 17
2000Food and kindred products20
2100Tobacco manufactures21
2200Textile mill products22
2300Apparel and other textile products23
2400Lumber and wood products24
2500Furniture and fixtures25
2600Paper and allied products26
2700Printing and publishing27
2800Chemicals and allied products28
2900Petroleum and coal products29
3000Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products30
3100Leather and leather products31
3200Stone, clay, and glass products32
3300Primary metal industries33
3400Fabricated metal products34
3500Industrial machinery and equipment35
3600Electronic and other electric equipment36
3710Motor vehicles and equipment371
3729Other transportation equipment372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 379
3800Instruments and related products38
3900Miscellaneous manufacturing industries39
4000Railroad transportation40, 4741
4100Local and interurban passenger transportation41
4200Trucking and warehousing42
4400Water transportation44
4500Transportation by air45
4600Pipelines, except natural gas46
4701Transportation services472, 473, 478
4800Communications services48
4913Electric services and combination electric and gas services491, 493
4920Gas production and distribution492
4947Water supply; sanitary services; irrigation systems494, 495, 496, 497
5001Wholesale trade50, 51
5800Eating and drinking places58
5902Retail trade, excluding eating and drinking places52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59
6000Financial services60, 61, 62, 67
6340Insurance services63, 64
6500Real estate65
7000Hotels and other lodging places70
7200Personal services72
7309Business services, excluding miscellaneous equipment and computer rental and leasing731, 732, 733, 734, 736, 738, 737 except 7377
7350Miscellaneous equipment rental and leasing735
7377Computer rental and leasing7377
7509Automotive repair, services, and parking, excluding automobile rental and leasing752, 753, 754
7510Automotive rental and leasing, without drivers751
7600Miscellaneous repair services76
7800Motion pictures78
7900Amusement and recreation services79
8009Health services, excluding hospitals801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 807, 808, 809
8100Legal services81
8200Educational services82
8300Social services83
8400Museums, art galleries, and botanical and zoological gardens84
8600Membership organizations86
8700Engineering, accounting, research, management, and related services87
8900Services, n.e.c.89

n.e.c. Not elsewhere classified.