GIS for Banking and Financial Services
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Regulatory Compliance
Mapping with GIS helps to ensure your compliance with Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) regulations.

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Banking is a personal business where people are more than numbers, records in a database, or account codes. Knowing people is important, and unlocking this potential is the competitive advantage for any successful bank. ESRI helps financial institutions see people for what they are: as valuable assets with needs, demands, and preferences.

ESRI GIS software has helped many financial services companies succeed by providing better customer service, more profitable and appropriate services, and more focused market understanding and business planning.

Twenty of the top 25 financial institutions in the United States are ESRI customers. From these megaorganizations to smaller regional credit unions, the common thread is the need to respond to market change through better understanding and integration of customer and transaction-related information.

Armed with detailed customer information and new methods of linking clients to preferences and likely activities, banks can be much more successful in designing products and services that best fit their most profitable customers' needs. GIS solutions from ESRI help banks keep their best clients, reach them in a more effective and appropriate way, and find more like them. In this highly competitive business environment, banks need every advantage they can get. A thorough knowledge of customers' needs and requirements gained from GIS analysis underlies the geographic advantage.

Based on asset size.

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