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Publication Details

TechBrief: Thin Whitetopping - the Colorado Experience

General Interest: provides practical guidance to engineers responsible for the day-to-day design, construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, and management of pavements.

Primary Topic: Pavement Construction

Description: TWT is a relatively thin concrete overlay that is bonded to the underlying AC pavement. In Colorado, TWT was developed and is used as a low-maintenance, long-life alternative to an AC overlay for more heavily trafficked roadways. Since June 1990, CDOT has constructed numerous test sections and conducted studies to develop and refine guidelines for constructing TWT. The CDOT guidelines for TWT include lessons learned from extensive field trials, as well as research findings.

Economic analysis conducted by CDOT showed that TWT is competitive on project cost alone. With proper planning, TWT can be constructed with minimal disruption to traffic. TWT has been a very successful innovation for CDOT, and Colorado continues to use TWT on a competitive basis for rehabilitation of distressed asphalt pavements.

FHWA Publication Number: FHWA-IF-07-025

Publication Year: 2007

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This page last modified on 10/15/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration