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Welcome to the ESRI Education Community - a living environment for the exchange of ideas and experiences, curriculum, software, and data between GIS educators around the globe.

   GIS In Education
Schools (K-12)

Geographic inquiry and GIS help students and educators explore their world, from local to global scale.
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Higher Education

GIS, used by many disciplines, helps students and educator study and search for solutions to problems facing society.
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Libraries & Museums

Libraries and museums use GIS to organize, analyze, and present information, helping people of all ages and backgrounds learn about the world.
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ESRI Education Programs
Many institutions have established access to ESRI technology through site licenses or development center agreements.
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ESRI Education Programs
ESRI Development Center logo The ESRI Development Center program provides special status to university departments that have an exemplary focus on educating students to design and develop ESRI GIS applications.
Featured GIS Program
Kansas State University
The Geographic Information System Spatial Analysis Laboratory (GISSAL) was established in August 1990 as a multidisciplinary center supporting spatial research, education, and outreach activities at Kansas State University. Recognized as a National Center of Digitizing Excellence by the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service and contributor to the 2005 ESRI Special Achievement in GIS Award fo
ArcLessons logo GPS to GIS: A More Perfect Union
Mathematics; Geodesy; Geography

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