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"Public Health Assessment Overview 3 - Evaluating Health Effects Data and Determining Conclusions and Recommendations" is the third of a series of 3 online learning courses for public health professionals and trainees. The courses provide a detailed summary of the public health assessment process. This is the process the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) uses to evaluate whether people could be harmed by hazardous materials.

The current course, "Public Health Assessment Overview 3 - Evaluating Health Effects Data, and Determining Conclusions and Recommendations" is a follow-up to the previous module on exposure pathways and a continuation of the health evaluation. The final part of this module explains the process by which ATSDR develops health conclusions about the site, and the types of recommendations and health actions it may conduct. The course concludes with a discussion of the types of documents health assessors may use to report the results of the investigation.

If you wish to receive Continuing Education credits or a Completion Certificate for this educational activity, you must Continuing Medical Education Program and take a short pre-test BEFORE you begin the course.

Use the links on the left to

  • view the course goals and learning objectives,
  • view the course outline,
  • register to receive Continuing Education credits,
  • view additional information about this course, or
  • begin the course.

Please note that all of the material in the course, including the material accessed through the icons, the interactive exercises and the advanced exercises will be included on the post-test.

 Before you begin the course, please read the brief "Navigation Tips" page.

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The mission of ATSDR is to serve the public by using the best science, taking responsive public
health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and disease related to toxic substances

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If you have questions or comments about this site,
please contact us.


bullet Last updated: February 20, 2008 bullet ATSDR EPH Training Coordinator

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