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15 years of Wetlands protection

EPA and its environmental partners celebrate the 15th annual American Wetlands Month this May. The 2005 theme, "It Pays to Save Wetlands," focuses on the economic benefits that wetlands provide, and the success over the past year. On Earth Day 2005, the President announced that approximately 832,000 acres of wetlands have been preserved in the first year of his five-year commitment to create, improve and protect at least three million wetland acres.

Wetlands, the link between land and water, produce highly productive ecosystems, provide important wildlife habitats, and offer many recreation opportunities. It is fitting to celebrate Wetlands each May, when they are teeming with new animal and plant life. Wetlands help clean water, reduce water treatment costs, and are important for flood control. With so many benefits, why had wetlands disappeared at alarming rates? Historically they generally were undervalued, drained and filled.

To achieve our national goal to increase the quantity and quality of our nation's wetlands it was vital to first stop the rate of loss, which declined dramatically over the past 30 years, and then begin to achieve an annual net gain.

Another key is to build wetland protection programs that improve our ability to monitor wetland gains and losses, the success of corrective efforts, and wetland health. This year, a three-year award program was piloted to help states and tribes develop regulatory and other specified programs to protect wetlands. Also, through 15 years of Wetlands Month and other educational efforts, Americans have begun to recognize the value of wetlands.

To learn more, visit the Wetlands Web site.

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