Title 21--Food and Drugs



TEXT PDF20.1 Testimony by Food and Drug Administration employees.
TEXT PDF20.2 Production of records by Food and Drug Administration employees.
TEXT PDF20.3 Certification and authentication of Food and Drug Administration records.
TEXT PDF20.20 Policy on disclosure of Food and Drug Administration records.
TEXT PDF20.21 Uniform access to records.
TEXT PDF20.22 Partial disclosure of records.
TEXT PDF20.23 Request for existing records.
TEXT PDF20.24 Preparation of new records.
TEXT PDF20.25 Retroactive application of regulations.
TEXT PDF20.26 Indexes of certain records.
TEXT PDF20.27 Submission of records marked as confidential.
TEXT PDF20.28 Food and Drug Administration determinations of confidentiality.
TEXT PDF20.29 Prohibition on withdrawal of records from Food and Drug Administration files.
TEXT PDF20.30 Food and Drug Administration Freedom of Information Staff.
TEXT PDF20.31 Retention schedule of requests for Food and Drug Administration records.
TEXT PDF20.32 Disclosure of Food and Drug Administration employee names.
TEXT PDF20.33 Form or format of response.
TEXT PDF20.34 Search for records.
TEXT PDF20.40 Filing a request for records.
TEXT PDF20.41 Time limitations.
TEXT PDF20.42 Aggregation of certain requests.
TEXT PDF20.43 Multitrack processing.
TEXT PDF20.44 Expedited processing.
TEXT PDF20.45 Fees to be charged.
TEXT PDF20.46 Waiver or reduction of fees.
TEXT PDF20.47 Situations in which confidentiality is uncertain.
TEXT PDF20.48 Judicial review of proposed disclosure.
TEXT PDF20.49 Denial of a request for records.
TEXT PDF20.50 Nonspecific and overly burdensome requests.
TEXT PDF20.51 Referral to primary source of records.
TEXT PDF20.52 Availability of records at National Technical Information Service.
TEXT PDF20.53 Use of private contractor for copying.
TEXT PDF20.54 Request for review without copying.
TEXT PDF20.55 Indexing trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information.
TEXT PDF20.60 Applicability of exemptions.
TEXT PDF20.61 Trade secrets and commercial or financial information which is privileged or confidential.
TEXT PDF20.62 Inter- or intra-agency memoranda or letters.
TEXT PDF20.63 Personnel, medical, and similar files, disclosure of which constitutes a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
TEXT PDF20.64 Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes.
TEXT PDF20.65 National defense and foreign policy.
TEXT PDF20.66 Internal personnel rules and practices.
TEXT PDF20.67 Records exempted by other statutes.
TEXT PDF20.80 Applicability of limitations on exemptions.
TEXT PDF20.81 Data and information previously disclosed to the public.
TEXT PDF20.82 Discretionary disclosure by the Commissioner.
TEXT PDF20.83 Disclosure required by court order.
TEXT PDF20.84 Disclosure to consultants, advisory committees, State and local government officials commissioned pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 372(a), and other special government employees.
TEXT PDF20.85 Disclosure to other Federal government departments and agencies.
TEXT PDF20.86 Disclosure in administrative or court proceedings.
TEXT PDF20.87 Disclosure to Congress.
TEXT PDF20.88 Communications with State and local government officials.
TEXT PDF20.89 Communications with foreign government officials.
TEXT PDF20.90 Disclosure to contractors.
TEXT PDF20.91 Use of data or information for administrative or court enforcement action.
TEXT PDF20.100 Applicability; cross-reference to other regulations.
TEXT PDF20.101 Administrative enforcement records.
TEXT PDF20.102 Court enforcement records.
TEXT PDF20.103 Correspondence.
TEXT PDF20.104 Summaries of oral discussions.
TEXT PDF20.105 Testing and research conducted by or with funds provided by the Food and Drug Administration.
TEXT PDF20.106 Studies and reports prepared by or with funds provided by the Food and Drug Administration.
TEXT PDF20.107 Food and Drug Administration manuals.
TEXT PDF20.108 Agreements between the Food and Drug Administration and other departments, agencies, and organizations.
TEXT PDF20.109 Data and information obtained by contract.
TEXT PDF20.110 Data and information about Food and Drug Administration employees.
TEXT PDF20.111 Data and information submitted voluntarily to the Food and Drug Administration.
TEXT PDF20.112 Voluntary drug experience reports submitted by physicians and hospitals.
TEXT PDF20.113 Voluntary product defect reports.
TEXT PDF20.114 Data and information submitted pursuant to cooperative quality assurance agreements.
TEXT PDF20.115 Product codes for manufacturing or sales dates.
TEXT PDF20.116 Drug and device listing information.
TEXT PDF20.117 New drug information.
TEXT PDF20.118 Advisory committee records.
TEXT PDF20.119 Lists of names and addresses.
TEXT PDF20.120 Records available in Food and Drug Administration Public Reading Rooms.
