Title 21--Food and Drugs



TEXT PDF1.1 General.
TEXT PDF1.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.4 Authority citations.
TEXT PDF1.20 Presence of mandatory label information.
TEXT PDF1.21 Failure to reveal material facts.
TEXT PDF1.23 Procedures for requesting variations and exemptions from required label statements.
TEXT PDF1.24 Exemptions from required label statements.
TEXT PDF1.83 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.90 Notice of sampling.
TEXT PDF1.91 Payment for samples.
TEXT PDF1.94 Hearing on refusal of admission.
TEXT PDF1.95 Application for authorization to relabel and recondition.
TEXT PDF1.96 Granting of authorization to relabel and recondition.
TEXT PDF1.97 Bonds.
TEXT PDF1.99 Costs chargeable in connection with relabeling and reconditioning inadmissible imports.
TEXT PDF1.101 Notification and recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF1.225 Who must register under this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.226 Who does not have to register under this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.227 What definitions apply to this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.230 When must you register?
TEXT PDF1.231 How and where do you register?
TEXT PDF1.232 What information is required in the registration?
TEXT PDF1.233 What optional items are included in the registration form?
TEXT PDF1.234 How and when do you update your facility's registration information?
TEXT PDF1.235 How and when do you cancel your facility's registration information?
TEXT PDF1.240 What other registration requirements apply?
TEXT PDF1.241 What are the consequences of failing to register, update, or cancel your registration?
TEXT PDF1.242 What does assignment of a registration number mean?
TEXT PDF1.243 Is food registration information available to the public?
TEXT PDF1.276 What definitions apply to this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.277 What is the scope of this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.278 Who is authorized to submit prior notice?
TEXT PDF1.279 When must prior notice be submitted to FDA?
TEXT PDF1.280 How must you submit prior notice?
TEXT PDF1.281 What information must be in a prior notice?
TEXT PDF1.282 What must you do if information changes after you have received confirmation of a prior notice from FDA?
TEXT PDF1.283 What happens to food that is imported or offered for import without adequate prior notice?
TEXT PDF1.284 What are the other consequences of failing to submit adequate prior notice or otherwise failing to comply with this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.285 What happens to food that is imported or offered for import from unregistered facilities that are required to register under 21 CFR part 1, subpart H?
TEXT PDF1.326 Who is subject to this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.327 Who is excluded from all or part of the regulations in this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.328 What definitions apply to this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.329 Do other statutory provisions and regulations apply?
TEXT PDF1.330 Can existing records satisfy the requirements of this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.337 What information must nontransporters establish and maintain to identify the nontransporter and transporter immediate previous sources of food?
TEXT PDF1.345 What information must nontransporters establish and maintain to identify the nontransporter and transporter immediate subsequent recipients of food?
TEXT PDF1.352 What information must transporters establish and maintain?
TEXT PDF1.360 What are the record retention requirements?
TEXT PDF1.361 What are the record availability requirements?
TEXT PDF1.362 What records are excluded from this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.363 What are the consequences of failing to establish or maintain records or make them available to FDA as required by this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.368 What are the compliance dates for this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.377 What definitions apply to this subpart?
TEXT PDF1.378 What criteria does FDA use to order a detention?
TEXT PDF1.379 How long may FDA detain an article of food?
TEXT PDF1.380 Where and under what conditions must the detained article of food be held?
TEXT PDF1.381 May a detained article of food be delivered to another entity or transferred to another location?
TEXT PDF1.382 What labeling or marking requirements apply to a detained article of food?
TEXT PDF1.383 What expedited procedures apply when FDA initiates a seizure action against a detained perishable food?
TEXT PDF1.384 When does a detention order terminate?
TEXT PDF1.391 Who approves a detention order?
TEXT PDF1.392 Who receives a copy of the detention order?
TEXT PDF1.393 What information must FDA include in the detention order?
TEXT PDF1.401 Who is entitled to appeal?
TEXT PDF1.402 What are the requirements for submitting an appeal?
TEXT PDF1.403 What requirements apply to an informal hearing?
TEXT PDF1.404 Who serves as the presiding officer for an appeal, and for an informal hearing?
TEXT PDF1.405 When does FDA have to issue a decision on an appeal?
TEXT PDF1.406 How will FDA handle classified information in an informal hearing?
