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Human Factors for Transportation Engineers

A free interactive, one-day workshop for up to 30 participants


The one-day workshop includes interactive modules on information reception, decision making, driver responses, and human factors principles. The relationship between specific highway standards and human needs is emphasized. Human skills and capabilities are discussed and demonstrated and micro-case studies are included to allow participants to apply the knowledge they have gained.


  • Recognize that Human Factors has a role in highway design, operations, and safety decisions.
  • Describe Human Factors information that is included in today's guidelines and standards.
  • Identify human capabilities needed for using roadways.
  • Apply basic human factors principles to resolve issues related to highway design, operations, and safety.

Target Audience

Traffic Engineers, Highway Designers, and Traffic Safety Specialists


Gabriel Rousseau, Ph.D.
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Safety
phone: 202-366-8044


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