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New Drivers

Driving is More Dangerous for New Drivers

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for young people 15 to 20 years of age, causing roughly one-third of all fatalities in this age group.

  • In 1996, 6,319 young people age 15-20 died in motor vehicle crashes.
  • Even though this age group makes up only seven percent of the driving population, they are involved in 14 percent of all traffic fatalities.
  • In 1996, teens were involved in more than two million nonfatal traffic crashes.

Why is that?

Three factors work together to make the teen years so deadly for young drivers:

  • Inexperience
  • Risk-taking behavior and immaturity
  • Greater risk exposure


All young drivers start out with very little knowledge or understanding of the complexities of driving a motor vehicle. Like any other skill, learning to drive well takes a lot of time. Technical ability, good judgment and experience all are needed to properly make the many continuous decisions, small and large, that add up to safe driving.

Risk-taking behavior and immaturity

Adolescent impulsiveness is a natural behavior, but it results in poor driving judgment and participation in high-risk behaviors such as speeding, inattention, drinking and driving, and not using a seat belt. Peer pressure also often encourages risk taking.

Greater risk exposure

Teens often drive at night with other teens in the vehicle, factors that increase crash risk.

Are You a New Driver?

Here are three important things you can do to be a safer driver

Buckle Up America Wear Seat Belts
  • Safety belts are the best form of protection passengers have in the event of a crash.
  • You are four times more likely to be seriously injured or killed if ejected from the vehicle in a crash.
Slow Highway Sign Slow Down
  • About 45% of crashes killing young people involve speed.
  • On average, 1,000 Americans are killed every month in speed-related crashes.
Bottles of Alcohol Don't Drink
  • About 36% of crashes killing young people involve alcohol.
  • It is illegal in every state for a person under 21 to buy and/or publicly possess alcoholic beverages.
  • 48 states and Washington, D.C., have zero tolerance laws. It is illegal for a minor (under 21) to purchase alcohol, so no amount of alcohol should be allowed in an under age driver.

Driver Education

  • Highway Work Zone Safety Driver Education [PDF, 768KB]

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