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Build & Fly The Wright Flyers

Practical Applications

Final Tuning for Wright Biplanes

Learning From the 1900 & 1901 Gliders

The First Powered Flight

TA Wright 1903 Kitty Hawk Flyer

Advanced Wing Structure

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On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made four flights with their first powered flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. On their best flights, Orville flew about 120 feet and stayed aloft about 12 seconds. Wilbur managed to fly 852 feet and stayed in the air for 59 seconds.

The Wright brothers had to teach themselves to fly in brief seconds, in an airplane with controls and control surfaces that were barely adequate.
    The dream comes true. Powered, controlled flight became reality on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

The Kitty Hawk flyer had a 40 foot 4 inch wingspan and was only a little over 21 feet long. It weighed only 605 lbs. The Kitty Hawk flyer had twin tail rudders, and a 12 to 16 horsepower engine.

Although the first to actually fly, the Kitty Hawk flyer only made four flights that day. It was damaged by wind after the fourth flight, and the Wrights packed it up and shipped it back to Dayton, Ohio. Its flying days were over.

The Toothpick Airforce version of the Wright Kitty Hawk flyer is the most difficult of the Wright replicas to build and fly. It has 21 paper parts, and at least five toothpick parts (you may have to add weight). This glider may take up to two hours to build, and requires careful attention to detail in construction and tuning. We recommend building at least one of the Wright gliders before attempting the Kitty Hawk flyer. "Bending Toothpicks" instructions.  
    Grasp your toothpick flyer by one of the landing skids, and thrust it forward gently. Add "up" elevator by bending the leading edge of the elevator up and back.

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Born of Dreams, Inspired by Freedom wright flyer