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About PNNL

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Roby Enge, ESH&Q Director
Roby Enge,
ESH&Q Director

The success of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is, in part, dependent upon operational excellence. The Environment, Safety, Health & Quality business unit of PNNL contributes to operational success by providing efficient and effective systems, processes, tools and services that enable staff to conduct their work in a safe, compliant and environmentally sound manner.

Success Stories—Capabilities and Qualifications

Triple Crown

Our staff, research and operational processes work together to produce outstanding results for our customers. PNNL has achieved national recognition for its environmental, safety, health & quality systems, processes and tools which is demonstrated through the following national registrations and certifications:

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ISO 14001 is the benchmark international standard for excellence in Environmental Management Systems. The Battelle PNWD Environmental Management System was first registered to the ISO 14001:1996 Standard in November 2002 and received registration to ISO 14001:2004 in December 2005.

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In 2001 PNNL achieved the highest level of Voluntary Protection Program recognition by being awarded STAR status for implementation of an excellent safety and health program.

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The Department of Energy initially validated PNNL's implementation of Integrated Safety Management (ISM) system requirements in 1998. Integrated Safety Management outlines the parameters that make up a successful safety program integrating safety in all aspects of Laboratory operations. Each year PNNL resubmits ISM performance objectives, measures, and commitments to DOE for its approval. DOE has re-approved PNNL's ISM system in 2004.

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PNNL received membership in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Performance Track program in 2004. The Environmental Performance Track program recognizes top environmental performing companies.


The Standards-Based Management System (SBMS) is an online information system that provides PNNL staff with up-to-date policies, standards and Laboratory-wide procedures and guidelines. SBMS is the foundation upon which PNNL achieved validation and certification to ISO 14001, ISM and VPP. SBMS has been recognized as a Best Practice by a Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Working Group comprised of independent, non-government experts. Created at PNNL, the SBMS is currently being adopted and implemented by the other divisions within Battelle (operator of PNNL) and affiliated laboratories, including Brookhaven National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

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PNNL placed 23rd in the Training Magazine Top 100 Award: In recognition of its leadership in staff development and continued management and operations excellence, PNNL has received a 2004 Training Top 100 Award from Training magazine. In its first year as an applicant, PNNL placed 23rd on the list of 100, having been selected from a field of more than 550 applicants. Additionally, PNNL's management skills development program was one of only eight programs recognized as a best practice by Training. For more information, see "PNNL Training Program Recognition."

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