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Los Alamos Fellows Prize Winners

Outstanding Research in Science or Engineering

2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988


Tom Vestrand, ISR-1:
For his ouststanding research in explosive transients and large-area sky monitoring, contributing to our understanding of gamma ray bursts.
Scott Crooker, MPA-NHMFL:
For his outstanding research in the development of novel magneto-optical spectroscopies and their application to problems in solid state and atomic physics systems.


Cheryl Kuske, B-1:
For her extraordinary impact in the areas of environmental microbiology and biothreat reduction.
Tim Germann, X-1:
For his research in material physics, specifically shock plasticity and shock-induced phase transitions, as well as his highly innovative work on molecular dynamics simulations of pandemics.


Neil Harrison, High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MST-NHMFL)
For his outstanding contributions to condensed matter physics using high magnetic fields to make ground-breaking discoveries in strongly correlated materials.
Robert Roussel-Dupré, Atmospheric, Climate and Environmental Dynamics (EES-2)
For his outstanding contributions to the understanding of upward propagating lightning discharges, in particular through the universally accepted theory of electron runaway breakdwon initiated by cosmic ray showers.


Roger Johnston, Advanced Diagnostics and Instrumentation (C-ADI)
For path-breaking work on the problem of the vulnerability of critical facilities and materials to theft or tampering
John Sarrao, Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics (MST-10)
For outstanding contributions to condensed matter physics of rare earth and transition metal oxides, borides and 4f- and 5f intermetallics, in particular toward an understanding of superconductivity in PuCoGa5 and in Cerium-based 115 compounds.



Carole Burns, Chemistry Division (C-DO)
For her outstanding contributions to the understanding of metal-ligand multiple bonding in organometallic chemistry of actinide elements.
Robert Hixson, High Explosives Science (DX-2)
For his seminal contributions to the understanding of dynamic properties of plutonium and explosives materials, which have been critical to the success of stockpile stewardship.
Roman Movshovich, Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics (MST-10)
For his outstanding research in experimental low-temperature condensed-matter physics and, in particular, for his research on unconventional superconductivity and correlated-electron physics.


Joseph Carlson, Nuclear Physics (T-16)
For his critical breakthrough in Quantum Monte Carlo techniques that allowed exact numerical descriptions of many-body nuclei.
Kurt Sickafus, Structure/Property Relations (MST-8)
For his major contributions to the understanding of radiation damage in materials, including a class of complex oxides highly resistent to radiation damage.
Giday WoldeGabriel, Hydrology, Geochemistry and Geology (EES-6)
For his profound contributions to the understanding of early hominid evolution in East Africa.


David Clark, Nuclear Materials Technology (NMT-DO)
For outstanding contributions to the understanding of the molecular behavior and of the solution chemistry of actinide ions.
Richard Epstein, Space and Remote Sensing Sciences (NIS-2)
For pioneering work in laser cooling of solids, and for leading Los Alamos' Solid State Refrigerator (LASSOR) development program.
Martin Maley, Superconductivity Technology Center (MST-STC)
For outstanding contributions to the understanding of quantized vortices in high temperature superconductors, including the development of the Maley analysis technique.


Victor Klimov, Chemical Reactions, Kinetics and Dynamics (CST-6)
For his experimental research and interpretation of the behavior of 'quantum dot' systems.


Shiyi Chen, Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS)
For his work on fluid turbulence.
Paul Kwiat, Neutron Science and Technology (P-23)
For groundbreaking experiments in quantum mechanics.
Dave Vieira, Nuclear and Radiochemistry (CST-11)
For several outstanding achievements in nuclear and atomic science.


Richard Hughes, Neutron Science and Technology (P-23)
For his work in quantum information physics.


R. Brian Dyer, CST-4
Role of molecular dynamics in protein structure and function.
George T. (Rusty) Gray III, MST-5
Structure/property effects of high-rate shock deformations on metals and alloys.


Michael Nastasi, MST-4
For work on ion-solid interactions
Joe D. Thompson, MST-10
For work on correlated electron physics.
Stuart Trugman, T-11
For work on superconductors and fullerenes.


Bob Benjamin, DX-13
For work on fluid interfaces.
Chris Hammel, MST-10
For experiments on magnetic and electronic properties of high temperature superconductors.
Jill Trewhella, CST-4
For biophysical measurements of proteins in solution.


John Petrovic, MST-4
For studies on high temperature silicides.
Gregory Swift, MST-10
For studies on thermoacoustic engines.


Charlie E. Strauss, CLS-4
For studies on chemical dynamics.


Aloysius J. Arko, P-10
For developing new experimental approaches to determine the electronic structure of materials that exhibit high-temperature superconductivity.
Robert E. Ecke, P-10
For precise measurements of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a helium superfluid, which was a major advance in nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
Robert K. Moyzis, Center of Human Genome
For research on the organization of chromosomes, specifically, for identification of the human telomeric DNA sequence.


Ralph Menikoff, T-14
In recognition of outstanding research contributing to the understanding of fluid flow in real materials and advancing predictive capabilities in numerical hydrodynamics.


Judith Binstock, X-6
For outstanding work and major impact in the area of material mix in nuclear weapons.
J. Doyne Farmer, T-13
For pioneering work on noise reduction and forecasting. These important applications of chaos to real-world phenomena are one of the premier developments to come from dynamical systems research in recent years.
Paul S. Follansbee, MST-5
For theoretical and experimental work on the rate sensitive behavior of metals especially with regard to the hardening behavior of metals and alloys with large changes in plastic strain rate and the application to DoD armor/anti-armor technology.


Darryl Smith, MEE-11
Contribution to the understanding of semiconductor superlattices, particularly for studies of their electronic structures and design implications for a variety of applications.
Wojciech Zurek, T-6
Contributions to the understanding of the structure of the universe, especially for clarifying the role of cosmological strings in galaxy formation and distribution.

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