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Elizabeth Smith

Current Address
1016 Campus Drive, room 312
College Town, LS 41112
453- 555- 5555
Smith@ LS. edu

Permanent Address
1510 Park Street
Hamlet, LS 41112
454- 555- 5555

(Horizontal lines help define different sections)


To obtain a position in public relations using my communication and promotional skills


University of Large State
Bachelor of Arts, English, expected 2000
Minor: Business
G. P. A.: 3.5/ 4.0, English Honors Society

(Students often list education before experience)

Related Courses
Public Relations
Consumer Behavior

The Language of Advertising
Writing for Mass Media
Writing for Business
(Coursework relating to the position applied for)


Program Coordinator
Campus Activities Council, Large State University
(Bullets emphasize accomplishments)
  • Initiated and organized the Campus Run for Charity
  • Promoted event with fliers, e- mail, newspaper ads, and campus radio station announcements
  • 1,000 students participated (Show results)
(Give approximate dates of employment)

98- present
(Most recent job first)
Campus Tour Guide
Office of Recruiting, Large State University
  • Led weekly tours for prospective students and parents
  • Answered questions and addressed concerns
  • Wrote information sheet explaining campus- housing policy
  • Selected to train new guides
97- 98
Administrative Assistant
ABC Business, Harristown, Large State
  • Drafted correspondence
  • Used Microsoft Word and Excel to type and edit reports
  • Complimented for accuracy and attention to detail
summers, 96 and 97

(Separate section for special skills)

Foreign Language Skills

Fluent in Spanish

References available on request

(Statement sometimes omitted)


Sarah Jones
1310 Rock Ledge Street
Hamlet, Large State 41112
454- 555- 5555

(Leave adequate margins on all sides)

OBJECTIVE (Objective statement should address the position applied for)

Receptionist position using my customer service, administrative, and communication skills

EDUCATION (Bold capital letters emphasize major headings)

Large State Community College
A. A. in Liberal Arts, expected May 2000
G. P. A.: 3.6/ 4.0

Hamlet High School
Diploma, May 1997
G. P. A.: 3.3/ 4.0

EXPERIENCE (Begin statements with action verbs)

Customer Service (Identify major skills required for the position)
Selected for the express lane while working as a cashier
Directed customers to product locations
Served restaurant patrons and responded quickly to requests
Handled food substitutions and special requests efficiently

Recorded meeting notes and maintained membership roster for College Outdoors Club
Calculated restaurant customers’ bills accurately
Type 60 words per minute

Explained menu items to customers
Relayed special requests to chef
Received A’s in speech and composition classes
(Include specific achievements)

Computer Applications
WordPerfect, Word, Windows 98

WORK HISTORY (Brief work history goes at the end)

Table Server, Good Food Restaurant, Hamlet, Large State, 1999
Cashier, Blue Skies Chain Store, Hamlet, Large State, 1997- 1998

References available upon request

E-mailed or database résumés are written in plain text without columns, bullets, or bold or italic styles(Use a standard- width typeface like Courier)

CHRISTINE TECHIE (Put your name at the top on its own line)
1078 Campus Drive
College Town, LS 41112
454- 555- 5555 (Put your phone number on its own line)

KEYWORD SUMMARY (Keywords make your résumé easier to find in a database)
BS Computer Science, 1999, C++, Visual Basic, Assembly,
IBM 630/ 670, Windows NT, UNIX, Programmer

EDUCATION (Capital letters emphasize headings)
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, 1999
Large State University, College Town, Large State
Minor: Mathematics
G. P. A.: 3.0/4.0

Related Courses

Database Design, Compiler Design, Systems Architecture, (End each line by hitting the enter key)
Operating Systems, Data Structures

Languages: C/ C++, Visual Basic, Assembly, FORTRAN,

Software: CAD, PATRAN, Oracle, MS Office

Systems: IBM 360/ 370, Windows NT, UNIX

Support Desk, Large State University, 97- 99
* Maintained computer systems in campus lab (Space between asterisk and text)
* Installed applications and performed troubleshooting (No line exceeds 65 characters)
* Instructed students on applications and systems

Programmer (Intern), Generic Company, 96-97
* Wrote instructional programs using TUTOR language
* Corrected errors in pre- written programs using C++
* Altered existing programs to fit user needs

Data Entry Clerk, ABC Sales, summers 96, 97
* Updated inventory and sales data
(Asterisks and plus signs replace bullets)

Served as Vice President of Computer Science Society
Received A’s in technical writing and speech classes

REFERENCES Available upon request

++ Willing to relocate ++
(Never e-mail an attachment)


John Ryan
15 Spring Road
Hamlet, LS 41112
545- 555- 5555

December 5, 1999

Mr. Brian Carson
Hiring Manager
Rest Easy Hotel (Addresses are omitted for e-mailed cover letters)
Hamlet, LS 41112

Dear Mr. Carson: (Letter is addressed to a specific individual if possible)

(State position applied for)
The management trainee position you advertised in today’s Hamlet Gazette greatly interests me. The Rest Easy Hotels have always served as landmarks for me when I travel, and I would like to contribute to their continued growth. I have enclosed my résumé for your review.

(Sell yourself )
In May, I will be graduating from Large State University with a degree in business. While in school, I developed strong organizational and customer service skills. As a dormitory assistant, I organized events, led meetings, and assisted students. As treasurer of the Business Society, I maintained the budget and presented budget reports. My summer jobs also required extensive interaction with the public. I believe these experiences have prepared me for your management trainee position.

(Request an interview)
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications more fully in an interview. I can be reached at 545- 555- 5555. Thank you for your consideration.
(Place your phone number near the end)


{short description of image}(Sign each letter)

John Ryan


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