Questions You May Have - Language Arts, Writing - Social Studies - Science
Lanuage Arts, Reading - Mathematics - Sample Score Report - General Hints

Questions You May Have

Many adults who did not complete a high school program of instruction have continued to learn through a variety of experiences encountered in everyday, life. The purpose of the GED Testing Program is to provide an opportunity for these individuals to have the learning acquired from such educational experiences evaluated and recognized. The GED Tests make it possible for qualified individuals to earn a high school credential, thus providing opportunities for hundreds of thousands of adults to:

  • Pursue higher education
  • Obtain jobs or job promotions
  • Achieve personal goals

What Are The GED Tests?

The Tests of General Educational Development (GED Tests) are internationally recognized. They have been designed to measure major academic skills and knowledge in core content areas that are learned during four years of high school. When an adult passes the 7½ hour GED Tests battery, the resulting GED credential certifies that he or she has attained subject matter knowledge and skills associated with high school completion. The GED Tests battery includes the following subject area tests:

The GED Tests are offered in English, Spanish, and French editions.

Are There Resources Available To Help Me Prepare For the GED Tests?

Passing the GED Tests may require some preparation on your part. Some individuals prepare intensively by taking classes or studying GED preparation books and other materials. Other candidates are comfortable with simply brushing up on a few of the subject areas where they feel they need practice. To determine how you should best prepare for the tests, you can start by contacting local adult education programs sponsored by school districts, colleges, and community organizations in your area. (Check your local telephone directory.) Teachers at these adult education programs can not only help you decide the extent to which you need to study for the five GED Tests, but they can also help you develop a study plan that is best for you.

There are many resources available to help you prepare. for the GED Tests. The Resources for Prospective GED Test-Takers box guides you to several specific sources of information and study materials.

Resources for Prospective GED Test Takers

GED Testing Centers may direct you to your closest instructional site. Call 1-800-62-MYGED (1-800-626-9433) to find the GED Testing Center closest to you.

GED ON TV (from Kentucky Educational Television) allows you to study at home for your GED credential. Many states broadcast the GED series. Check
with your local public television station or call 1-800-354-9067 for more information. You can also visit

Individual study allows you to prepare or! your own, using materials such as commercial study guides, Cliffs Notes, and the Official GED Practice Tests. You can contact your local GED Testing Center to locate these preparation materials. Local libraries and bookstores also carry GED study materials.

Visit the official GED Testing Service website at for more information.

Official GED Practice Tests are comparable in content, level of difficulty, and format to the GED Tests. You can obtain the Official GED Practice Tests by calling Steck-Vaughn Company at 1-800-531-5015 in the United States and Harcourt Canada at 1-800-386-7278 or 416-255-4491.

Am I Ready To Take The GED Tests?

You can take the Official GED Practice Tests to determine your readiness to take the GED Tests. The Official GED Practice Tests questions are similar to those on the GED Tests in content, difficulty, and format. The Practice Tests are a good tool to help you decide whether you are adequately prepared to succeed on the actual GED Tests or whether you would benefit from additional study or practice. Your teacher or tutor can help you interpret your Practice Test scores to determine your next step.

Where Do I Take The GED Tests?

The information you need is just a phone call away. Call 1-800-62-MYGED (1-800-626-9433) to find your local GED Testing Center. The center can tell you:

  • Whether you can take the GED Tests
  • Where to find the Official GED Practice Tests
  • Where to find a GED instructional program
  • How much it costs to take the tests
  • When the tests are given
  • Other useful information

What Accomodations Are Available If I Have A Documented Disability?

What is available

If you have a documented disability that could keep you from taking the GED Tests in the way, they are usually given, you might be entitled to receive testing accommodations.

Accommodations are available for people with (but not limited to) the following:

  • Physical disabilities (such as blindness, low vision, deafness, impaired hearing, or mobility impairments)
  • Learning disabilities (such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, receptive aphasia, or written language disorder)
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • Psychological disabilities (such as bipolar disorder or Tourette's syndrome)
  • Chronic health issues

Accommodations may include:

  • Audiocassette edition
  • Braille edition
  • Large-print edition (no documentation required)
  • Vision-enhancing technologies
  • Use of video equipment for candidates who are deaf or hard-of-hearing in composing the Language Arts, Writing essay
  • Use of a talking calculator or abacus
  • Certified sign-language interpreter; use of a scribe
  • Extended time; supervised extra breaks
  • Use of a private room
  • One-on-one testing at a health facility
  • Other reasonable accommodations as warranted, based on individual needs

How to get assistance

If you have a disability that can be docunented by a qualified professional, ask your local GED Testing Center for one of these forms:

  • Learning Disabilities and/or AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Form L-15)
  • Physical Disabilities and Emotional or Psychological Disabilities (Form SA-001)

The GED Testing Center will tell you what you need to do to complete the form. Return the completed form with documentation of your disability to the same center. Each request is considered on an individual basis. If the accommodations are approved, your local GED Examiner will arrange with you to conduct the testing with the approved accommodations. There will be no additional cost for accommodations.

If you think you have a disability, but you do not have documentation, first contact your state's Vocational Rehabilitation Office. The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC), at 1-800-346-2742, also may be able to help.

What Do The GED Tests Look Like?

The following five subject tests cover academic knowledge and skills in core areas required in a traditional high school curriculum: Language Arts, Writing; Social Studies; Science; Language Arts, Reading; and Mathematics.

The following table provides the number of questions and time limits on the GED Tests. Find out how many and which tests you are scheduled to take.

Time Limit
Language Arts, Writing, Part 1 50 Questions 75 minutes
Language Arts, Writing, Part 2 Essay 45 minutes
Social Studies 50 Questions 70 minutes
Science 50 Questions 80 minutes
Language Arts, Reading 40 Questions

65 minutes

Mathematics, Part 1 25 questions with optional use of calculator 45 minutes
Mathematics, Part 2 25 questions without a caluclator 45 minutes

Exept for Part II of the Language, Writing Test, which requires an essay, and, the Mathematics Test, which requires the grading of some answers, questions are provided in multiple-choice format. Each multiple-choice question lists five possible answer choices; you must select the best answer.