United States Department of Agriculture
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Gardening with Water Quality in Mind

The NRCS Three Rivers RC&D worked with the City of Eagle Lake, Minnesota, and others to create an attractive, healthy, and functional rain garden

The NRCS Three Rivers RC&D worked with the City of Eagle Lake, Minnesota, and others to create an attractive, healthy, and functional rain garden

The NRCS Three Rivers RC&D worked with the City of Eagle Lake, Minnesota, and others to create an attractive, healthy, and functional alternative to a traditional city park garden. The rain garden they developed will help reduce nutrient and sediment runoff into lakes, streams, and the storm water system while establishing wildlife habitat and a beautiful, low maintenance landscape. The rain gardens also provide an opportunity to learn about and observe unique plant species such as Prairie Brown, Big Blue Stem, and Indian Paintbrush which add to the beauty of the park.

Minnesota wheat field

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City of Eagle Lake leadership recognized the unique aspects of creating rain gardens and decided to build two – one, 3,000-square feet and another 4,000-square feet in size – within one of their city parks. The rain gardens provide erosion control and improve the water quality in the drainage area adjacent to the park’s pond. Water quality is crucial for the focal point of the park – the pond – with its aerator fountains and fishing – stocked with help from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

For additional information regarding rain gardens, please contact Three Rivers RC&D at 507-345-7418 ext. 5.
Your contact is Julie MacSwain, NRCS public affairs specialist, at 651-602-7859.