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NRCS, Local Junior College at FFA Competition

FFA logoBus loads of students from Sterling, Colorado area high schools arrived at the Northeastern Junior College (NJC) campus recently to test their knowledge of soils as part of their vocational agriculture training and regional FFA competition program. On-hand to host the event were NRCS soil conservation technician Dan Moreno and NJC soils instructor Mike Brownell.  “Over the course of the program, students will have components from soils, crops, farm management, and other ag areas that will prepare them to come up with a management plan for a farm,” said Moreno.

“The whole concept of FFA proficiency events is to let the students experience and develop skills in competition, public speaking, and personal growth through the FFA leadership and career development program,” added Brownell.

NRCS soil conservation technician Dan Moreno and a Sterling, Colorado area high school student at FFA competition

NRCS soil conservation technician Dan Moreno and a Sterling, Colorado area high school student at FFA competition

The students spent the morning north of Sterling at two field sites where they examined soil horizons - identifying color, texture, and structure - and where they took slope measurements to identify the potential for erosion and irrigation. Under the guidance of Moreno and Brownell, the students completed two soil science proficiency exams in preparation for the State competition, which determines which regional teams complete in the national finals. “This is a great program,” said Moreno.  “It helps students set goals and learn practical skills and helps them gain the knowledge they need to carry on the agricultural heritage that they’ve grown up with here in northeastern Colorado.  We enjoy working with them every year on the soils test.”

Sterling, Colorado area high school students study the soils education curriculum  prior to the field tests

Sterling, Colorado area high school students study the soils education curriculum  prior to the field tests

The afternoon session held in the NJC classroom tested students on their knowledge of soil surveys and their uses in agricultural planning. “Some of the students that I’ve seen in the soils, crops, and range contests often go on to college and major in these areas,” said Brownell. “I think it’s a great way to generate student interest, a great way to get students involved in seeing ways to develop and challenge themselves, and to be able to compete in areas in addition to sports.  Anything we can do to interest and involve young people in the field of agriculture is great.”

Sawbuck Fence, Larimer County, Colorado

Learn more about NRCS in Colorado

Your contact is Jeanette Colville, NRCS public affairs specialist, at 970-330-0380, ext. 214.