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Gugulis Named President-Elect of Executive Women in Government

(from left) the Honorable Sandra Day O'Connor swears in Maria Parisi Vickers, Esq. and (right) Kathy Gugulis as outgoing president Lori Santamorena looks on

(from left) the Honorable Sandra Day O'Connor swears in Maria Parisi Vickers, Esq. and (right) Kathy Gugulis as outgoing president Lori Santamorena looks on

Kathy Gugulis, NRCS Deputy Chief for Strategic Planning and Accountability has been elected President-Elect of Executive Women in Government (EWG). She was sworn in at a June 14 ceremony presided by founding member Honorable Sandra Day O’Connor at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.

Kathy has extensive management and operations experience. From March 1997 to February, she served as USDA’s Acting Associate Assistant Secretary. Other leadership positions include Director of the Operations Management and Oversight Division as well as Director of the Office of Public Affairs. She was accepted into the Senior Executive Service in 1995.

(from left) Sheryl Kunickis, NRCS National Agricultural Research Coordinator and outgoing EWG officer; the Honorable Sandra Day O'Connor; outgoing EWG president Lori Santamorena; and Kathy Gugulis

(from left) Sheryl Kunickis, NRCS National Agricultural Research Coordinator and outgoing EWG secretary; the Honorable Sandra Day O'Connor;  Lori Santamorena, outgoing EWG president; and Kathy Gugulis

EWG is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit professional organization of women employed by the Federal government at the Senior Executive Service, GS-15 or equivalent military rank; political appointees requiring confirmation; and elected officials. Their mission is to promote, support and mentor women for senior leadership positions in the Federal government.

EWG was formed in 1974 by a group of women who were concerned about the small percentage of women in leadership positions in the Federal government.  In 1974 there were less than 100 women in senior positions. Today, female career Senior Executive Service personnel number around 1,500. Founding members include Anne L. Armstrong, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, and Barbara Hackman Franklin.  O’Connor, the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court and Sally Ride, America’s first female astronaut are members of EWG.
Your contact is Ted Kupelian, public affairs specialist, at 202-720-5776.