Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF49.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF49.001 Definitions.
TEXT PDF49.002 Applicability.
TEXT PDF49.100 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF49.101 Authorities and responsibilities.
TEXT PDF49.102 Notice of termination.
TEXT PDF49.103 Methods of settlement.
TEXT PDF49.104 Duties of prime contractor after receipt of notice of termination.
TEXT PDF49.105 Duties of termination contracting officer after issuance of notice of termination.
TEXT PDF49.105-1 Termination status reports.
TEXT PDF49.105-2 Release of excess funds.
TEXT PDF49.105-3 Termination case file.
TEXT PDF49.105-4 Cleanup of construction site.
TEXT PDF49.106 Fraud or other criminal conduct.
TEXT PDF49.107 Audit of prime contract settlement proposals and subcontract settlements.
TEXT PDF49.108 Settlement of subcontract settlement proposals.
TEXT PDF49.108-1 Subcontractor's rights.
TEXT PDF49.108-2 Prime contractor's rights and obligations.
TEXT PDF49.108-3 Settlement procedure.
TEXT PDF49.108-4 Authorization for subcontract settlements without approval or ratification.
TEXT PDF49.108-5 Recognition of judgments and arbitration awards.
TEXT PDF49.108-6 Delay in settling subcontractor settlement proposals.
TEXT PDF49.108-7 Government assistance in settling subcontracts.
TEXT PDF49.108-8 Assignment of rights under subcontracts.
TEXT PDF49.109 Settlement agreements.
TEXT PDF49.109-1 General.
TEXT PDF49.109-2 Reservations.
TEXT PDF49.109-3 Government property.
TEXT PDF49.109-4 No-cost settlement.
TEXT PDF49.109-5 Partial settlements.
TEXT PDF49.109-6 Joint settlement of two or more settlement proposals.
TEXT PDF49.109-7 Settlement by determination.
TEXT PDF49.110 Settlement negotiation memorandum.
TEXT PDF49.111 Review of proposed settlements.
TEXT PDF49.112 Payment.
TEXT PDF49.112-1 Partial payments.
TEXT PDF49.112-2 Final payment.
TEXT PDF49.113 Cost principles.
TEXT PDF49.114 Unsettled contract changes.
TEXT PDF49.115 Settlement of terminated incentive contracts.
TEXT PDF49.201 General.
TEXT PDF49.202 Profit.
TEXT PDF49.203 Adjustment for loss.
TEXT PDF49.204 Deductions.
TEXT PDF49.205 Completed end items.
TEXT PDF49.206 Settlement proposals.
TEXT PDF49.206-1 Submission of settlement proposals.
TEXT PDF49.206-2 Bases for settlement proposals.
TEXT PDF49.206-3 Submission of inventory schedules.
TEXT PDF49.207 Limitation on settlements.
TEXT PDF49.208 Equitable adjustment after partial termination.
TEXT PDF49.301 General.
TEXT PDF49.302 Discontinuance of vouchers.
TEXT PDF49.303 Procedure after discontinuing vouchers.
TEXT PDF49.303-1 Submission of settlement proposal.
TEXT PDF49.303-2 Submission of inventory schedules.
TEXT PDF49.303-3 Audit of settlement proposal.
TEXT PDF49.303-4 Adjustment of indirect costs.
TEXT PDF49.303-5 Final settlement.
TEXT PDF49.304 Procedure for partial termination.
TEXT PDF49.304-1 General.
TEXT PDF49.304-2 Submission of settlement proposal (fee only).
TEXT PDF49.304-3 Submission of vouchers.
TEXT PDF49.305 Adjustment of fee.
TEXT PDF49.305-1 General.
TEXT PDF49.305-2 Construction contracts.
TEXT PDF49.401 General.
TEXT PDF49.402 Termination of fixed-price contracts for default.
TEXT PDF49.402-1 The Government's right.
TEXT PDF49.402-2 Effect of termination for default.
TEXT PDF49.402-3 Procedure for default.
TEXT PDF49.402-4 Procedure in lieu of termination for default.
TEXT PDF49.402-5 Memorandum by the contracting officer.
TEXT PDF49.402-6 Repurchase against contractor's account.
TEXT PDF49.402-7 Other damages.
TEXT PDF49.403 Termination of cost-reimbursement contracts for default.
TEXT PDF49.404 Surety-takeover agreements.
TEXT PDF49.405 Completion by another contractor.
TEXT PDF49.406 Liquidation of liability.
TEXT PDF49.501 General.
TEXT PDF49.502 Termination for convenience of the Government.
TEXT PDF49.503 Termination for convenience of the Government and default.
TEXT PDF49.504 Termination of fixed-price contracts for default.
TEXT PDF49.505 Other termination clauses.
TEXT PDF49.601 Notice of termination for convenience.
TEXT PDF49.601-1 Telegraphic notice.
TEXT PDF49.601-2 Letter notice.
TEXT PDF49.602 Forms for settlement of terminated contracts.
TEXT PDF49.602-1 Termination settlement proposal forms.
TEXT PDF49.602-2 Inventory schedule forms.
TEXT PDF49.602-3 Schedule of accounting information.
TEXT PDF49.602-4 Partial payments.
TEXT PDF49.602-5 Settlement agreement.
TEXT PDF49.603 Formats for termination for convenience settlement agreements.
TEXT PDF49.603-1 Fixed-price contracts--complete termination.
TEXT PDF49.603-2 Fixed-price contracts--partial termination.
TEXT PDF49.603-3 Cost-reimbursement contracts--complete termination, if settlement includes cost.
TEXT PDF49.603-4 Cost-reimbursement contracts--complete termination, with settlement limited to fee.
TEXT PDF49.603-5 Cost-reimbursement contracts--partial termination.
TEXT PDF49.603-6 No-cost settlement agreement--complete termination.
TEXT PDF49.603-7 No-cost settlement agreement--partial termination.
TEXT PDF49.603-8 Fixed-price contracts--settlements with subcontractors only.
TEXT PDF49.603-9 Settlement of reservations.
TEXT PDF49.604 Release of excess funds under terminated contracts.
TEXT PDF49.605 Request to settle subcontractor settlement proposals.
TEXT PDF49.606 Granting subcontract settlement authorization.
TEXT PDF49.607 Delinquency notices.

