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Terrorist Screening Center

National Security Branch > Terrorist Screening Center > Redress Procedures

Terrorist Screening Center seal
Redress Procedures

The Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) works with the Department of Homeland Security and other Government agencies on a daily basis to resolve complaints from individuals experiencing repeated screening delays or difficulties that may be related to the consolidated terrorist watchlist. Because individuals could experience problems during screening for any number of reasons, not just because of the terrorist watchlist, they should contact the agency conducting the screening process in question.

Because the contents of the consolidated terrorist watchlist are derived from classified and sensitive law enforcement and intelligence information, the TSC cannot confirm or deny whether an individual is on the watchlist. The watchlist remains an effective tool in the government's counterterrorism efforts because its contents are not disclosed. The nondisclosure of the watchlist information protects the government's operational counterterrorism and intelligence collection objectives, as well as the personal safety of those involved in counterterrorism investigations.

See Frequently Asked Questions for additional information about the TSC.

Filing a Redress Inquiry

The TSC does not accept redress inquiries directly from the public. Instead, Members of the public should contact the relevant screening agency with their questions or concerns about screening. The screening agency is in the best position to identify and resolve issues related to that agency's screening process. Information on how to contact screening agencies is listed below.

Traveler Screening Redress

The Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) provides a way for travelers to express concern when they believe they have been incorrectly delayed, denied boarding, identified for additional screening, or have otherwise experienced difficulties when traveling or seeking entry into the country. DHS TRIP allows travelers to submit a redress inquiry in a single request via a secure website. DHS TRIP works with the Department's component agencies, such as U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Transportation Security Administration, and other Government agencies including the Department of State and the TSC, as appropriate, to make an accurate determination about any traveler who has sought redress.

Please see the DHS TRIP website to review frequently asked questions or file a request for redress related to your travel screening.

Inquiries Related to Visas

The State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs website provides information on how to address questions about the denial of a visa. Individuals who are overseas should contact the American embassy or consular office abroad about visa issues.

Additional Information About the Redress Process