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Scientists are particularly interested in Saturn's moon Titan because it's one of the few known moons with its own dense atmosphere. Titan's atmosphere is also thought to be very similar to what Earth's atmosphere was a long time ago. By learning about Titan, we'll learn about our own planet.
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2005-11-29 | MISSIONS
Joint News Briefing to Discuss Titan and Mars

At 10 a.m. EST Wednesday, the European Space Agency will present the latest Huygens probe and Mars Express orbiter results during back-to-back briefings from the agency's Paris headquarters. NASA is supporting both missions and panellist from the agency will take part in the briefings, which will air live on NASA TV.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. Cassini is studying Saturn using 18 highly sophisticated science instruments. Through Cassini, scientists hope to gain a better understanding of Saturn, its famous rings, its magnetosphere, Titan, and its other icy moons. Titan is of particular interest to astrobiologists because it is the only known moon in the Solar System with a thick atmosphere. Studying the organic chemistry of Titan's atmosphere, which could resemble that of early Earth, may help scientists understand the origin of life on our planet. Understanding how life emerges from cosmic and planetary precursors is a primary goal of astrobiology.

Mars Express is also returning important information for astrobiologists on Earth. In March, the mission imaged water ice, as well as carbon dioxide ice, at Mars' southern polar cap. Mars Express has also confirmed the presence of methane in the martian atmosphere. Although Martian methane may be volcanic in origin, methane in a planet's atmosphere has been identified by scientists as a potential indicator of life due to the fact that methane on Earth is produced by biological activity. Determining how to recognize the signatures of life on other worlds is an important goal of astrobiology research at NASA.

More on this story Full text of original item from NASA, Nov 29, 2005

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Minafra
NASA Official: Lynn J. Rothschild
Last Updated: November 13, 2007
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