National Endowment for the Arts  

Funding Opportunities

AccessAbility Program Announcement
This program announcement outlines three separate National Endowment for the Arts projects. These projects, listed below, provide career opportunities or arts programming for individuals with disabilities, older adults, or those in healthcare settings:

• Statewide Forums on Careers in the Arts for Individuals with Disabilities
• Access to Design Professions
• Arts in Healthcare Consultancy Program

(Receipt deadline: August 27, 2008)

Creativity and Aging
Creativity and Aging in America
is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to actively engage older Americans in quality arts programs. Through this initiative, the Arts Endowment will support exemplary projects in the disciplines of literature and music. (Receipt deadline: May 23, 2008)

Universal Design Leadership Project
The Arts Endowment seeks to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with an organization that will carry out a project to increase understanding, acceptance, and practice of universal design within the design profession and by the American public. Proposed projects should focus on extending the appeal of universal design from the disability community into the mainstream of American design and American society. The project should educate designers and others including developers, city planners, and consumers on this important issue. (Proposal Receipt Deadline: December 20, 2007)

National Arts and Disability Center
A resource, information and training center dedicated to promoting the full inclusion of persons with disabilities into the visual-, performing-, literary-, and media-arts communities.

2004 Report on Community Development Block Grants (PDF)
This is the 2000-2001 updated version of our last report that we developed to help encourage and assist arts organizations in obtaining federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for structural and programmatic improvements that make arts programs and activities more accessible to disabled people.

The Foundation Center  
The Foundation Center maintains a comprehensive database of U.S. grant makers and their grants or funding opportunities.  The Center also provides research, education, and training programs designed to advance philanthropy at every level. 

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