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Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee (HSSTAC) Members

  • Mr. Norman Polmar, Chairman
  • Dr. Michael Andrews, Vice-Chairman
  • Dr. Steven Bellovin
  • Rear Admiral Thomas A. Brooks, USN (Ret)
  • Dr. Julie Casani
  • Dr. Phil DePoy
  • Dr. Frank Fernandez
  • Dr. Baruch Fischhoff
  • Dr. David Franz
  • Major General Thomas Garrett, USARNG (Ret)
  • Mr. Gary Goldberg
  • Sheriff Theoharris Kamatchus
  • Dr. Geraldine Knatz
  • Dr. Alexander Levis
  • Chief Ernest Mitchell
  • Mr. Ken Rapuano
  • Dr. Richard Roca
  • Ms. Teresa Smith
  • Dr. Reginald Vachon

This page was last reviewed/modified on July 31, 2008.