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Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee Charter

Committee's Official Designation

Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee (HSSTAC).


As provided for in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296), as amended by Public Laws 108-334 and 109-347, this charter establishes the Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee (HSSTAC). This committee is established in accordance with and shall operate under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. App.

Objectives and Scope of Activities

The mission of the HSSTAC is to be a source of independent scientific and technical planning advice for the Under Secretary for Science and Technology. The scope of the HSSTAC's activities is as follows:

  • The Committee's activities focus on the responsibilities of the Under Secretary for Science and Technology to organize the Nation's scientific and technological resources to prevent or mitigate the effects of catastrophic terrorism against the United States, and of catastrophic natural events, including both sponsorship and coordination of research and development efforts for this purpose.
  • The Committee makes recommendations with respect to the activities of the Under Secretary for Science and Technology, including identifying research areas of potential importance to the security of the Nation. The Committee is concerned with matters relating to science, technology, research, engineering, new product development (including demonstration and deployment), business processes, emergency response, cargo security technology, and other matters of special interest to the Department of Homeland Security.
  • The Committee assists the Under Secretary in establishing mission goals for the future; advises on whether the policies, actions, management processes, and organization constructs of the Science and Technology Directorate are focused on mission objectives; advises on whether the research, development, test, evaluation, and systems engineering activities are properly resourced (in terms of capital, financial, and human resources) to accomplish the objectives; identifies outreach activities (particularly in accessing and developing, where necessary, the industrial base of the Nation); and reviews the technical quality and relevance of the Directorate's programs.
  • Upon request, the Committee provides scientifically- and technically-based advice to the Homeland Security Advisory Council. Conversely, the Committee draws, when needed, on the expertise of outside advisory groups for independent advice on specific technical and policy matters.

Description of Duties

The HSSTAC makes recommendations with respect to the activities of the Under Secretary for Science and Technology. The duties of the HSSTAC are solely advisory in nature.

Officials to Whom the Committee Reports

The HSSTAC reports to the Under Secretary for Science and Technology.

Agency Responsible for Providing Necessary Support

The Under Secretary for Science and Technology provides an Executive Director and the necessary support staff to manage the day-to-day operations of the HSSTAC.

Estimated Annual Operating Costs and Staff Years

The estimated annual operating costs are not to exceed $900,000, including personnel costs for 1 permanent staff member.

Designated Federal Officer

The Executive Director serves as the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) for the HSSTAC and is responsible to the Under Secretary for Science and Technology for the proper functioning of the Committee in accordance with the provisions of FACA. The DFO or his designee shall approve or call HSSTAC meetings, approve meeting agendas, attend all committee and subcommittee meetings, adjourn any meeting when the DFO determines adjournment to be in the public interest, and chair meetings.

Estimated Number and Frequency of Meetings

The HSSTAC meets at least quarterly at the call of the Chair or whenever one-third of the members so request in writing. Subcommittees and ad hoc task forces meet as required to accomplish their particular tasks. Committee meetings shall be open to the public unless a determination is made by the appropriate DHS official, in accordance with DHS policy and directives, that the meeting should be closed in accordance with subsection (c) of section 552b of title 5, United States Code.

Duration and Termination

Section 311 of Public Law 107-296, and as amended by section 302 of Public Law 109-347, authorizes the HSSTAC until December 31, 2008. Section 311(i) of Public Law 107-296 exempts the committee from section 14 of FACA.

Member Composition

The HSSTAC consists of 20 members who are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Under Secretary for Science and Technology. The HSSTAC members are: (1) eminent in fields such as emergency response, research, engineering, new product development, business, and management consulting; (2) selected solely on the basis of established records of distinguished service; (3) not employees of the Federal Government; and (4) selected to provide representation of a cross-section of the research, development, demonstration, and deployment activities supported by the Under Secretary for Science and Technology. These distinguished scientists, engineers, medical researchers, first responders, industrial and academic leaders, former government officials, and other citizens provide expertise and experience relevant to the full breadth of the Department's science and technology enterprise. Specific expertise includes: countermeasures to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high explosive threats; critical infrastructure protection; borders and transportation security; intelligence; vulnerability analysis; systems engineering; and first response. Members shall serve as Special Government Employees as defined in section 202(a) of title 18, United States Code.

Members shall serve terms of office of up to three years, and the terms of office of approximately one-third of the members shall expire each year. A person who has completed two consecutive full terms of service on the HSSTAC is ineligible for re-appointment during the one-year period following the expiration of the second term.

A member appointed to fill an unexpired term shall serve the remainder of that term. In the event the HSSTAC terminates, all appointments to the committee shall terminate.


The Under Secretary for Science and Technology establishes as needed any number of subcommittees to advise the HSSTAC. Each subcommittee is composed of HSSTAC members. The HSSTAC Chair designates a Chair for each of the subcommittees from among the HSSTAC members. Such subcommittees may not work independently of the HSSTAC and must report their recommendations and advice to the HSSTAC for full deliberation and discussion. Subcommittees have no authority to make decisions on behalf of the HSSTAC and may not report directly to the Federal government or any other entity. The Chair of each subcommittee, in consultation with the HSSTAC, may establish ad hoc working groups or task forces to advise the subcommittees as needed.

Filing Date

November 24, 2003.

This page was last modified on January 25, 2007