United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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deer in field

Q: Where can I find the Sieben Live Stock Ranch?
A: On the north slope of the Big Belt Mountains in north central Montana.

The Sieben Ranch may not be easy to find, but it’s worth the hunt. Chase Hibbard is the fourth generation stewarding this ranch, begun in 1906. He manages 1,900 head of cattle and 1,000 sheep, using a rotational grazing system so that plants, including native perennials, can thrive and bare eroded areas are prevented.

In this terrain, managing forests—for forest health and wildfire prevention—is also a key part of the ranch operations.

The natural diversity and healthy ranch landscape creates a home for many species in addition to the cattle and sheep. Elk, mule deer, white tailed deer, antelope, coyotes, bears, foxes, badgers, mountain lions, and numerous small mammals share the ranch with the livestock.

The Hibbards permit limited, guided big game hunts on the ranch and also allow significant public hunting.

NRCS Quote: “Henry Sieben, the original ranch owner in 1868, who had great respect and love of this land, would be extremely pleased and proud of the stewardship and land ethic that continues to this day…due to the efforts of Chase Hibbard.”--Jon Siddoway, Rangeland Conservationist

Conservation At-A-Glance: 1) Prescribed grazing (rest-rotation); 2) timber management and fuel reduction; 3) spring development and watering systems; 4) environmental demonstration projects; 5) fencing; 6) pest management (weeds); 7) critical area treatment (seeding)

NRCS Program Participation: NRCS Conservation Technical Assistance, Great Plains Conservation Program

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