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News Feeds

The U.S. Institute of Peace is pleased to offer subscription to our News Feed as a way to get USIP's latest news delivered directly to your desktop!

USIP's News Feed uses RSS (Really Simple Syndication), a format used to describe the syndication and sharing of news or content from a Web site to an aggregator. An aggregator allows a user to receive the most updated content and headlines from a Web site by providing short summaries with links to the full content. Aggregators are often available for download for free, and some browsers (such as Safari version 2.0.4) already have them built in. Some services allow you to add an RSS feed to your blog or Web page. Subscription to most RSS feeds, including USIP's, are usually free and are different from podcasts in that they do not provide audio.

USIP's RSS feed provides a regular stream of the latest news from USIP. Copy the URL below into your aggregator to subscribe.


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United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)