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Valuable e-Handbook of Statistical Methods Now Available on CD-ROM

Sept. 9, 2003

Philip Bulman
(301) 975-5661


The Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and International SEMATECH (ISMT), a consortium of worldwide semiconductor companies, announced today that the NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods—which provides modern statistical techniques and updated case studies for persons who want to use statistical tools without becoming statisticians themselves—is now available for free on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM complements the NIST/ISMT Web-based guide that came out in July 2002.

The new CD version allows people who use the guide—engineers, scientists, businesses, researchers and teachers working with statistical techniques—to do so on their own computers without having to access the Web site. The 2002 e-Handbook was developed to expand and update Handbook 91, Experimental Statistics, originally published by NIST in 1963. Engineers, scientists and others worldwide have relied on the printed version of this handbook for decades.

The e-Handbook Web version is available at The new CD version is available by sending a request to Those who ask for a copy must remember to include their geographic address (not just an e-mail address).

The new CD version includes many files in a printer-friendly format. The e-Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of statistical methods, including experiment design, data analysis and quality control. It is tailored to the needs of scientists and engineers for rapid understanding and quick solution of statistical problems so they can get back to their primary work. The approach is problem-oriented and includes detailed case studies from the semiconductor industry and from NIST laboratories to illustrate statistical approaches to solving engineering and scientific problems.

Because the work is now available on the Web and on CD, there will not be a hardcover edition. The e-Handbook is interactive, with computer graphics and easy search capability for rapid information exploration.

ISMT is a global semiconductor technology development consortium that has effectively represented the semiconductor manufacturing industry on innovation issues since 1988; its members are Agere Systems, AMD, Hewlett-Packard, Hynix, IBM, Infineon, Intel, Motorola, Philips, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments and TSMC. ISMT conducts state-of-the-art research and is a highly regarded technology partner whose mission is to promote the interests common to all chipmakers. It has extensive experience collaborating with equipment and materials suppliers, as well as government and academic research centers, to refine the tools and technology necessary to produce future generations of chips. Additional information may be found at

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Created: 09/09/2003
Last updated: 09/09/2003









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