United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Summary Report, 1997 National Resources Inventory, Revised December 2000 - Table 15


Table 15 - Estimated median diameter of wildlife habitat patches on nonfederal rural land in 1997, by land cover/use, by state (data in feet)
State Cropland CRP land Pastureland Rangeland Forest land Other rural land
Cultivated Noncultivated
Alabama 726 600 816 650 675 900 350
Arizona 876 915 ---- 766 866 796 673
Arkansas 948 635 736 666 866 950 306
California 826 746 > 1,000 780 780 716 440
Colorado > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 450
Connecticut 580 450 ---- 350 ---- 846 300
Delaware 800 276 > 1,000 360 ---- 753 406
Florida 876 836 995 826 756 933 696
Georgia 766 670 850 596 ---- 860 370
Hawaii 900 853 ---- 750 > 1,000 > 1,000 750
Idaho 936 893 > 1,000 850 > 1,000 840 396
Illinois 926 590 740 540 ---- 720 390
Indiana 850 590 740 520 ---- 776 366
Iowa 850 660 770 580 ---- 640 450
Kansas 920 750 > 1,000 670 950 590 416
Kentucky 730 650 713 640 ---- 940 300
Louisiana > 1,000 850 980 806 900 > 1,000 600
Maine 603 560 820 500 ---- 900 270
Maryland 750 626 565 550 ---- 850 450
Massachusetts 560 440 ---- 436 ---- 900 366
Michigan 800 700 710 623 ---- 900 386
Minnesota 960 696 900 636 ---- 916 476
Mississippi 866 700 880 656 ---- 950 346
Missouri 760 686 756 616 790 826 330
Montana > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 906 490
Nebraska 996 890 > 1,000 720 > 1,000 610 500
Nevada 930 923 468 950 > 1,000 > 1,000 766
New Hampshire 676 546 ---- 576 ---- > 1,000 476
New Jersey 716 626 778 576 ---- 850 600
New Mexico > 1,000 850 > 1,000 850 > 1,000 958 518
New York 653 626 700 550 ---- 950 366
North Carolina 700 530 626 520 ---- 846 346
North Dakota 950 930 > 1,000 960 > 1,000 630 560
Ohio 880 666 800 600 ---- 876 350
Oklahoma 900 850 > 1,000 776 850 900 300
Oregon 950 836 > 1,000 703 976 810 396
Pennsylvania 650 586 640 536 ---- 876 376
Rhode Island 540 580 ---- 326 ---- 816 268
South Carolina 700 636 750 606 ---- 896 400
South Dakota > 1,000 990 > 1,000 976 > 1,000 740 526
Tennessee 806 626 700 596 ---- 886 346
Texas > 1,000 850 > 1,000 800 966 > 1,000 450
Utah 850 900 > 1,000 896 > 1,000 921 530
Vermont 650 626 ---- 496 ---- 990 400
Virginia 666 650 850 656 ---- 950 410
Washington > 1,000 760 > 1,000 660 906 796 376
West Virginia 550 566 ---- 520 ---- 940 350
Wisconsin 766 696 760 570 ---- 820 406
Wyoming > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 > 1,000 803 430
Caribbean 710 700 ---- 646 798 810 400
National median 890 736 950 676 > 1,000 890 400

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