Blast Area-Document Bags
Blast Area Clean-Up Operations
CDR and Staff Confer Post-attack
CDR McGonagle Inspects Bridge
CDR McGonagle Inspects Damage
CDR McGonagle Israeli Bullet
CDR McGonagle Reflects on Attack
CDR McGonagle Surveys Damage
Clean-up Operations of Blast Area
Damaged Machine Gun Mount
Damaged Signal Light on Bridge
Fire Damage Port Side Amidships
Maintenance Area Clean-up
Maintenance Blast Area
Pierside Malta2
Pierside Malta3
Portside Shock and Water Damage
Ships Bridge was Clobbered
Shock Damage Above Torpedo Hit
Spattered by Isreali Gunfire
Torpedo Hole from Drydock Floor1
Torpedo Hole from Drydock Floor2
Torpedo Hole from Drydock Floor3
TRSSCOM Antenna Little Damage
USS Liberty in Drydock
USS Liberty Main Blast Area
USS Liberty Pierside Malta
USS Liberty Primary Blast Area