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Can Hip Hop Beat Conflict?
Public Event

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Date and Time
Friday, April 18, 2008
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Hip hop music is finding its way to zones of conflict around the world. In some cases it promotes tolerance and non-violence and in others it seems to fan the flames. What factors have contributed to hip hop’s appeal among youth in conflict zones? How is it affecting their attitudes toward violence? Please join us for a panel discussion that will explore the impact of hip hop culture on conflicts in Sierra Leone, Uganda and the Middle East.

This event is part of the first annual DC Hip Hop and Peacebuiding Festival. To read the full list of events please visit www.beats4peace.org.


  • Marc Sommers
    Tufts University
  • Carl Walker (aka Kokayi)
    U.S. Department of State Hip Hop Goodwill Ambassador
  • Abeer (aka Sabreena da Witch)
    Palestinian Hip Hop Artist featured in the documentary Slingslot Hip Hop
  • Silas (aka Babaluku)
    Ugandan Hip Hop Artist and Founder of the Bavubuka Foundation
  • Victoria McColm, Moderator
    U.S. Institute of Peace

Media Inquiries

Please contact Ian Larsen (+1.202.429.3870) or Lauren Sucher (+1.202.429.3822) in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications.

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Warning: This audio file contains explicit language.


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