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Pathways to Peace: The United States and the Middle East Peace Process

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 a panel of speakers take questions from the audience USIP Middle East specialist Scott Lasensky (seated far right) moderates a panel exploring "Arab-Israeli Futures and American Policy."

January 27, 2005

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.

What should the United States be doing to improve Arab-Israeli relations and renew the peace process? How does the Arab-Israeli arena impact broader American interests?

What do recent Israeli and Palestinian public opinion surveys reveal about attitudes toward the Middle East peace process? To explore the challenges ahead in the Middle East peace process, the Institute convened a special conference on January 27, 2005 entitled: "Pathways to Peace: The United States and the Middle East Peace Process."

Directed by Scott Lasensky, of the Institute's Research and Studies Program, the event gathered together a combination of Middle East experts from around the globe. To continue the discussion started at the event, the Institute has collected a series online resources related to the conference, including an audio archive of the presentations, and the Institute's overall work on peace and stability in the Middle East.

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Program and Archived Audio

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The Second Bush Administration and Middle East Peace
David Satterfield makes his remarks
David Satterfield
Arab-Israeli Futures and American Policy
Steven Spiegel
Steven Spiegel
  • David Makovsky
    Washington Institute for Near East Policy
  • Steven Spiegel
    University of California, Los Angeles
  • Robert Malley
    International Crisis Group
  • Scott Lasensky
    United States Institute of Peace (Moderator)

    audio Panel Proceedings
    Running Time - 1 hr 15 min
New Optimism, Old Anxieties: What's on the Mind of Israelis and Palestinians?
Jacob Shamir
Jacob Shamir
  • Jacob Shamir
    United States Institute of Peace & Hebrew University
  • Khalil Shikaki
    Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, Ramallah
  • Samuel Lewis
    The American Academy of Diplomacy (Moderator)

    audio Panel Proceedings
  • Running Time - 1 hr 8 min
Keynote Address
Martin Indyk
Martin Indyk
  • Martin S. Indyk
    Saban Center, Brookings Institution
  • J. Robinson West
    Chairman, Board of Directors, United States Institute of Peace (Introductory Remarks)

    audio Martin Indyk's Remarks
    Running Time - 43 min

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