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Healing Across the Divide: The Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on Health Care Delivery

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Thursday, March 11, 2004
10:00 AM–Noon

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.

The U.S. Institute of Peace and Physicians for Human Rights on March 11 co-hosted a public meeting on the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on health care delivery. Moderated by Landrum Bolling, two-time Institute grantee and director at large for Mercy Corp, the panel featured presentations from Palestinian pediatrician Jumana Odeh and Israeli psychiatrist and trauma specialist Zeev Wiener.

The meeting was webcast live and the presentations were followed by a general discussion including questions from the floor.


  • Jumana Odeh
    Dr. Jumana Odeh is a pediatrician and community health specialist. She directs the Happy Child Center, a program for children with disabilities operating in the West Bank and Gaza. She teaches at the Medical School and School of Public Health at Al Quds University and has been a medical adviser for numerous private, public, and non-profit organizations including USAID, Save the Children USA, UNICEF, and OXFAM-UK. She writes and speaks on the conflict's impact on child health, and produces a television program by and for children on health issues.
  • Zeev Wiener
    Dr. Zeev Wiener is a family physician, psychiatrist, and psychotherapist. He directs community interventions at the Cohen-Harris Center for Trauma and Disaster in Tel Aviv, instructs primary care professionals in community psychiatry, and consults with the city's emergency treatment system of mental trauma, which operates at the scene of violent incidents, including suicide bombings. His projects have offered medical aid to Palestinians in the occupied territories and defended prisoners' rights in Israeli asylums. He is also a member of an international team that proposes guidelines for health professionals in dual loyalty situations.
  • Landrum Bolling, Moderator
    Director at Large, Mercy Corp

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