United States Institute of Peace
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A Palestinian boy waves a Palestinian flag
during a street demonstration at the
Bourj al-Barajneh refugee camp in
Beirut, Lebanon, March 29, 2002.
(AP Photo/Mahmoud Tawil)

Thursday, April 4, 2002
10:00 AM -- 12:00 PM
U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.
Archived Audio and Video
Media Inquiries should be directed to John Brinkley (202.429.3824).

Current Issues Briefing

Crisis in the Middle East
Spinning Out of Control?

Part of an On-going Series of Events on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Violence and killing in Israel and the Occupied Territories continue unabated, as does the search for a solution. Against that backdrop, the speakers discussed:

  • The just-concluded Arab League Summit in Beirut and the Saudi-sponsored peace proposal that was endorsed there.
  • PLO leader Yasser Arafat's offer to negotiate an immediate cease-fire.
  • Israeli military operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

This presentation was webcast live on April 4 and included questions from the floor and the Internet audience.


  • Ambassador M. Nabil Fahmy
    of Egypt
  • Ambassador Farid Abboud
    of Lebanon
  • Hassan Abdel Rahman
    of the Palestine Liberation Organization


  • Ambassador Richard Kauzlarich
    Director, Special Initiative on the Muslim World, U.S. Institute of Peace



webcast image

Archived Audio and Video

Archived Audio

Event Proceedings
Running Time - 1 hr 46 min • 16M Download


Archived Video (Available by Speaker)

Opening Remarks and Amb. Fahmy's Remarks
Running Time - 16 min• 16M Download

Amb. Abboud's Remarks
Running Time - 11 min • 4M Download

Amb. Rahman's Remarks
Running Time - 24 min • 8M Download

Q& A Session
Running Time - 57 min • 26M Download

All audio & video available in QuickTime format only.

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