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Amb. Zalman Shoval will provide insight on the Middle East Crisis from the Israeli government's perspective.

Wednesday, April 10, 2002
10:30 AM -- 12:00 PM
U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.
Archived Audio and Video
Media Inquiries should be directed to John Brinkley (202.429.3824).

Current Issues Briefing

Crisis in the Middle East
The Israeli View

Part of an On-going Series of Events on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In recent weeks, the Institute has hosted various speakers representing a range of viewpoints on the current crisis in the Middle East. Ambassador Shoval provided insight from the Israeli government's perspective and discussed:

  • Alternatives for resolving the crisis.
  • The connection between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the US-led war on terrorism.
  • Prospects for implementing the Saudi-sponsored peace plan, endorsed by the Arab League.

This presentation was webcast live on April 10 and included questions from the floor and the Internet audience.


  • Amb. Zalman Shoval
    Senior Adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon & former Israeli Ambassador to the United States


  • Amb. Samuel Lewis
    Former President, U.S. Institute of Peace & former U.S. Ambassador to Israel



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Archived Audio and Video

Archived Audio

Event Proceedings
Running Time - 1 hr 33 min • 14M Download


Archived Video (Available by Speaker)

Opening Remarks and Amb. Shoval's Remarks
Running Time - 49 min • 18M Download

Q& A Session
Running Time 45 min • 16M Download

All audio & video available in QuickTime format only.

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