9.11 A Year On: America's Challenges in a Changed World
Thursday September 5, 2002

Capital Hilton
Washington, D.C.

Updated: September 12, 2002

  Photo from 9/11 a Year On

Richard Armitage, Deputy U.S. Secretary of State, speaks on "America and the World Since 9/11."


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On September 5, 2002 the United States Institute of Peace hosted a special public conference to discuss America's critical foreign policy and security challenges that have emerged since the September 11 attacks.

The conference's objective was to build on recent experience in international conflict management identified by the Institute's research and policy development activities, facilitate the sharing of insights that can lead to viable foreign policy options in the wake of September 11, and explore the most important challenges to peace and global stability facing the international community.


The United States Institute of Peace wishes to acknowledge and thank the following sponsors for their support of the conference:


American International Group, Inc.

The Boeing Company


Hauser Foundation

Media Inquiries should be directed to Public Affairs (202.429.3824).


Throughout the day, the conference featured insights from seasoned foreign affairs professionals from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors working on today's most pressing challenges to international peace and stability. Featured speakers included:

  • Richard Armitage
    Deputy U.S. Secretary of State

  • Samuel Berger
    Stonebridge International

  • Brent Scowcroft
    Forum for International Security

Other speakers during the day included:

Paul Bremer, Nayan Chanda, Chester Crocker, Rita Hauser, Martin Indyk, Brian Jenkins, Geoffrey Kemp, Zalmay Khalilzad, Paul Pillar, Christina Rocca, Barnett Rubin, Michael Sheehan, Richard Solomon, Strobe Talbott, and Shibley Telhami.


Netscape page art "9/11: A Year On"
Welcoming remarks by Richard H. Solomon, U.S. Institute of Peace

Netscape page art "New Directions for American Foreign Policy"
Address by Brent Scowcroft, Forum for International Security

Netscape page art "America's Challenges in a Changed World"
Address by Richard Armitage, Deputy U.S. Secretary of State

Netscape page art "Prospects for Peace in South Asia"
Remarks by Christina Rocca, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State

Netscape page art "One Year Later: America's Agenda"
Address by Samuel Berger, Stonebridge International

Netscape page art "Meeting the Challenges of Global Leadership in the 21st Century"
Address by Chuck Hagel, U.S. Senate

Publications & Related Resources

Netscape page art Conference Photo Gallery
View a special slide show featuring many of the speakers and special guests who participated in the events and activities thoughout the conference.

Netscape page art "The U.S. as Global Sheriff for Every Dodge City"
Authored by Chester Crocker and Richard Solomon, this op-ed was prepared in conjunction with the conference to examine some of the major themes explored throughout the day. The op-ed was published by the Christian Science Monitor on September 6, 2002.

Netscape page art "Will the U.S. Ever Understand the Muslim World?"
Authored by Richard Kauzlarich, director of the Institute's Special Initiative on the Muslim World, this op-ed explores how the U.S. can improve relations with the Muslim World--one of the issues examined during the conference. The op-ed was published by the by The Globalist September 1, 2002.


Archived Audio & Video

NOTE: Archived video available only for keynote addresses--audio only available for all sessions including Q&A sessions.

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Introduction: Richard Solomon, U.S. Institute of Peace

Speaker: Brent Scowcroft, Forum for International Policy

Main Address:
Full Video Video- 20:29 Min. Running Time • 64M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 33:53 Min. Running Time • 8.6M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 23:26 Min. Running Time • 5.9M Download

The War on Terrorism a Year On

Moderator: Paul Stares, U.S. Institute of Peace


Paul Bremer, Marsh and McLennan Companies
Brian Jenkins, RAND
Paul Pillar, National Intelligence Council

Panel Presentations:
Audio Only Audio Only- 46:45 Min. Running Time • 19.9M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 25:36 Min. Running Time • 10.9M Download

Afghanistan and the Future of Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Moderator: Richard Kauzlarich, U.S. Institute of Peace


• Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Special Envoy to Afghanistan
• Barnett Rubin, New York University
• Michael Sheehan, UN Assistant Secretary General

Panel Presentations:
Audio Only Audio Only- 49:24 Min. Running Time • 21.1M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 18:09 Min. Running Time • 7.7M Download

Luncheon Address: "America's Challenges in a Changed World"
Introduction: Chester Crocker, U.S. Institute of Peace

Speaker: Richard Armitage, Deputy U.S. Secretary of State

Main Address:
Full Video Video- 20:29 Min. Running Time • 34M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 22:52 Min. Running Time • 5.8M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 22:01 Min. Running Time • 5.1M Download

Breakout Session A: Prospects for Peace in the Middle East

Moderator: Rita Hauser, Hauser Foundation


• Shibley Telhami, University of Maryland
• Geoffrey Kemp, Nixon Center
• Martin Indyk, Brookings Institution

Panel Presentations:
Audio Only Audio Only- 42:47 Min. Running Time • 10.9M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 30:27 Min. Running Time • 13M Download

Breakout Session B: Prospects for Peace in South Asia

Moderator: Deepa Ollapally, U.S. Institute of Peace


• Strobe Talbott, President, Brookings Institution
• Nayan Chanda, Yale University
• Christina Rocca, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State

Panel Presentations:
Audio Only Audio Only- 44:38 Min. Running Time • 19M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 23:31 Min. Running Time • 10M Download

"One Year Later: America's Agenda"

Introduction: Max Kampelman, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson

Speaker: Samuel Berger, Stonebridge International

Main Address:
Full Video Video- 20:29 Min. Running Time • 54M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 33:53 Min. Running Time • 8.6M Download

Joint Q&A with Sen. Hagel:
Audio Only Audio Only- 23:32 Min. Running Time • 10M Download

A View from the Hill: "Meeting the Challenge of Global Leadership"

Introduction: Marc Leland, Leland & Associates

Speaker: Chuck Hagel, United States Senate

Main Address:
Full Video Video- 20:29 Min. Running Time • 27M Download

Audio Only Audio Only- 20:29 Min. Running Time • 8.7M Download

Joint Q&A with Samuel Berger:
Audio Only Audio Only- 23:32 Min. Running Time • 10M Download

Final Remarks

• Chester Crocker, Chairman, U.S. Institute of Peace

Audio Only Audio Only- 7:2 Min. Running Time • 3.5M Download

Archived audio & video from previous Institute events can be found online in the Institute's AV Archive

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