Appendix 12,,,,,, Top 10 Commodities by Value for U.S. - NAFTA Partner Trade by Pipeline: 2005,,,,,, (Millions of current U.S. dollars),,,,,, Rank,Commodity code,Description,Total,Exports,Imports,Percent of Total 1,27,"Mineral fuels, oils and waxes","51,440","2,937","48,503",99.5 2,47,Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material,140,0.0,140,0.3 3,29,Organic chemicals,88,0.1,88,0.2 4,28,"Inorganic chemicals, precious metals and radioactive elements",35,0.0,35,0.1 5,25,"Salt, sulfur, earths and stone, plastering materials, lime and cement",0.4,0.0,0.4,0.0 6,22,"Beverages, spirits and vinegar",0.1,0.0,0.1,0.0 7,44,Wood and articles of wood,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 ,,"Total, all commodities","51,704","2,937","48,766",100.0 ,,,,,, Top 10 Commodities by Value for U.S. - Canada Trade by Pipeline: 2005,,,,,, (Millions of current U.S. dollars),,,,,, Rank,Commodity code,Description,Total,Exports,Imports,Percent of Total 1,27,"Mineral fuels, oils and waxes","50,897","2,394","48,503",99.5, 2,47,Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material,140,0.0,140,0.3, 3,29,Organic chemicals,88,0.1,88,0.2, 4,28,"Inorganic chemicals, precious metals and radioactive elements",35,0.0,35,0.1, 5,25,"Salt, sulfur, earths and stone, plastering materials, lime and cement",0.4,0.0,0.4,0.0, 6,22,"Beverages, spirits and vinegar",0.1,0.0,0.1,0.0, 7,44,Wood and articles of wood,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, ,,"Total, all commodities","51,160","2,394","48,766",100.0, ,,,,,,, Top 10 Commodities by Value for U.S. - Mexico Trade by Pipeline: 2005,,,,,,, (Millions of current U.S. dollars),,,,,,, Rank,Commodity code,Description,Total,Exports,Imports,Percent of Total, 1,27,"Mineral fuels, oils and waxes",543,543,0,100.0, ,,"Total, all commodities",543,543,0,100.0, ,,,,,,, NOTE: NAFTA=North American Free Trade Agreement; U.S. NAFTA partners are Canada and Mexico.,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Freight Data as of April 2006.",,,,,,, ,,,,,,,