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Idaho National Laboratory


INL researchers Dan Ginosar and Robert Fox talk about converting used frying oil to biodiesel in a recent issue of inform magazine.
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The Chemistry organization research focus is to advance the science of interfaces by developing new analytical methods, and to develop novel synthetic materials. Areas of research include mass spectrometry, polymers and industrial separations science, supercritical fluids, theoretical chemistry and thermodynamics, and specialty biomedical chemistry and ion mobility spectrometry.

More than 70 chemists pursue fundamental chemistry research and technology development to support Department of Energy missions and industry customer needs. The organization has a strong fundamental science focus resulting in peer-reviewed publication and science and technology advances. Novel instruments, processes and products are the natural progression of such work, enabling strong, applications-oriented research.

Mass Spectrometry - Researchers are advancing the state of the art in mass spectrometry instrumentation and its application. They are exploring the underlying chemistry and physics of the processes involved in thermal ionization and particle-induced desorption from the solid state and relating the ion production to the chemistry present in and on the solid state for both types of processes. In addition, the chemical reactivity of gas-phase neutrals with molecular ions derived from the solid state via particle desorption is being studied to determine the extent and kinetics of these reactions. Research in thermal ionization has been supported by the Department of Energy's Basic Energy Science Program (BES) since 1980 and focuses on fundamental research addressing the question "Why do some materials volatize ions while others volatilize neutrals?" Instrument research and development activities include ion optics modeling, ion trap secondary ion mass spectrometry, high temperature surface analysis, elevated pressure mass spectrometry, and Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance mass spectrometry coupled with optical spectroscopy. The mass spectrometry team is widely known for fundamental contributions to the field of ion optics modeling that include SIMION — a computer program that is used to design ion optical components for mass spectrometers, ion gauges and ion guns. In 1998 Dave Dahl, now retired, received the American Society for Mass Spectrometry's Award for a Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry for his development of SIMION. The group has also received three R&D-100 Awards related to instrument research and development. These unique instruments and capabilities are being used for the speciation of toxic materials, radionuclides and transuranics on mineral surfaces; detection of chemical weapons materials and pesticides on environmental surfaces such as soil, vegetation, and concrete; and for characterization of biologically derived compounds on the surface of minerals.

Contact: James Delmore, 208-526-2820, Send E-mail

Polymer and Separations Sciences - Researchers are developing new polymer membranes for a broad range of applications, including industrial separations. Fundamental research is focused on understanding the chemical and morphological properties of polymers, and the functional impact these characteristics have on separation performance. Examples of applications-oriented research include development of novel inorganic polymers based on phosphorous and nitrogen, battery electrolytes based on polyphosphazene polymers, and novel organic and inorganic sorbents for environmental pollutant abatement. The Department of Energy recently honored INL chemists Mason K. Harrup and colleagues for a lithium battery solid electrolyte that promises to make rechargeable batteries safer, more versatile and longer-lasting. The group received the Energy@23 and Bright Light award for technology development that demonstrates how R&D investment makes a difference in people's lives.

Contact: Fred Stewart, 208-526-8594, Send E-mail

Supercritical Fluid - Researchers are working to better understand and harness the unique properties of supercritical fluids. Fundamental research focuses on understanding supercritical fluid solubility and solvent properties, and catalytic reactions at supercritical conditions. Applied research includes using supercritical fluids to enhance fossil fuel quality, remove low concentrations of actinides and fission products from soils, and developing technologies to make high purity ultra fine particles at the production scale. In 1999, R&D Magazine recognized one INL application of supercritical fluid science with an R&D 100 Award. The Supercritical Fluid Slashing System coats thread with sizing — a film that improves thread strength--more efficiently than current textile industry processes.

Contact: Daniel Ginosar, 208-526-9049, Send E-mail

Theoretical Chemistry and Thermodynamics - Researchers focus on chemical phases, reactions and environments relevant to environmental restoration and immobilizing or degrading high level waste in situ. Theoretical chemistry supports other focus areas in the Chemistry department, and is prominent in the Subsurface Science Initiative. A thorough understanding of molecular and electronic structure, thermodynamics and kinetics is critical to predicting the behavior of chemical species—including radioactive materials—in the subsurface.

Contact: Mike McIlwain, 208-526-8130, Send E-mail

Specialty Analytical Chemistry - Researchers are developing new analytical chemistry methods and one of a kind instruments for a range of applications. For example, scientists have developed total boron analysis methods for biological samples using a technique known as inductively-coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). This research supports the development of boron neutron capture therapy, a cancer and arthritis treatment. Additionally, researchers are developing ion mobility measurement techniques to detect volatile, hazardous compounds.

Contact: William Bauer, 208-526-1180, Send E-mail

Support Chemistry - Chemists compliment the research activities of other groups at the INL and provide technical support throughout the INL and the world. Among the many efforts supported is the Sample Management Office, which provides services for the INL site to ensure the highest possible credibility of analyses that impact laboratory environmental programs.

Contact: William Bauer, 208-526-0265, Send E-mail

Actinide and Lanthanide Chemistry—Researchers are developing new complexing ligands for separation of actinides from lanthanides and attempting to understand the binding of these elements to environmental materials. Examples of research include the development of dithiophosphinic acids for selective separation of americium from europium and characterization of fate and transport of uranium and plutonium in various low organic content soils. In addition, researchers are attempting to understand the binding of actinides and lanthanides to various types of engineering surfaces such as concrete, marble, and granite to aid in the development of cleaning agents for decontamination of such surfaces.

Contact: Robert Fox, 208-526-7844, Send E-mail

Michael McIlwain, (208) 526-8130,
David L. Miller, (208) 526-9052,